Marketing, Messaging + Brand done-for-you strategy & consulting support for growing entrepreneurs, practitioners, creatives & small to medium sized conscious businesses who desire to create, build + grow an authentic brand that casts a ripple of positive change in the world.
Custom Brand Strategy
A Custom Brand Strategy goes beyond the conventional, diving deep into the essence of your business to uncover its truest purpose and prime position in your industry. An authentic brand is not merely a tagline; it’s a living, breathing entity that communicates your values, resonates with your audience, and fosters a genuine connection. My strategic approach is rooted in mindfulness, ensuring that every single intricacy of your brand aligns seamlessly aligns with your conscious mission and the type of clients or customer you desire to attract.

A custom brand strategy is suitable for…

  • New Businesses with ambitious growth plans: Lay the groundwork for your professional brand from the outset.
  • Rebrands for established businesses: In a saturated market where standing out is paramount, redefine your position or pivot to a more refined audience to reinvigorate your presence.
  • Established businesses outsourcing marketing: Whether it’s to an external agency or a junior in-house team, let me lay the senior-level strategic brand foundations, guiding their efforts.
  • Personal brands: Professionals wishing to grow their brand visibility yet require their brand, positioning & messaging to be outlined first before investing into expanding reach. 

Who it’s not a fit for:

  • Businesses who are still in the ideation stage or have not validated their product or service yet. 
  • Businesses who have not validated their market fit yet. 

A custom brand strategy includes…

Brand Core:

  • Brand Purpose
  • Brand Mission
  • Brand Vision

Brand Personality:

  • Brand Values
  • Brand Beliefs
  • Brand Feelings
  • Brand Associations
  • Brand Voice
  • Personality Qualities
  • Brand Story

Brand Positioning:

  • Category Landscape
  • Brand Competitors/Peers (top 3)
  • Brand Point Of Difference
  • Brand Audience (including Demographics, Geographics, Psychographics, Behavioural)

Brand Messaging:

  • Brand Value Proposition
  • Brand Macro Message
  • Brand Supplementary Messages (1-3 total)

*Please note that visual brand identity is not included in this offering. However, it is available as an add-on, subject to the availability of my recommended graphic designer.

The development process for a custom brand strategy is approximately a 7-9 week timeline.

Phase 1: Brand Discovery & Research

  • Client Brand Questionnaire
  • Brand Audit & Review
  • Industry Market Research
  • Brand Strategy Workshop with Client (up to 2 hours)

Phase 2: Brand Strategy Development

  • Ideation and strategy development of brand core, brand personality, brand positioning and brand messaging.

Phase 3: Brand Strategy Book Delivery

  • Brand Strategy Presentation (in walkthrough video).
  • Client review (1 round of minor edits)
  • Final Brand Book Delivery (in PDF)

Starting from $10,000 USD.

Custom Offer Positioning & Messaging Strategy
A Custom Offer Positioning & Messaging Strategy – serves as a meticulous guide that unveils the offer essence, transformative potential, and inherent value of your product or service. Just as every brand carries its unique identity, each product or service possesses its own distinctive character too. A well-defined product or service has messaging as an essential ingredient to ensure it’s targeting the right people and you’re maximising your promotional efforts.

A custom offer strategy is suitable for…

  • Businesses launching a new product or service: you need your offer foundations set from the get-go.
  • Product or Service Re-positioning for Established Businesses: In a saturated market offer differentiation is paramount, redefine your position or call in a different user.
  • Established Businesses Outsourcing Marketing: Whether it’s to an external agency or a junior in-house team, let me lay the senior-level strategic offer foundations, guiding their efforts

Who it’s not a fit for:

  • Businesses who are still in the ideation stage or have not validated their product or service yet.
  • Businesses who have not validated their market fit yet.

A custom offer messaging & positioning strategy includes…

Offer Market:

  • Audience Review
  • Audience Market Research
  • Industry Market Review
  • Competitor Product or Service Review (top 3)

Offer Outline:

  • Offer Name
  • Short Description of Offer
  • Problem Identification
  • Alternative Solutions
  • Desired Outcome
  • Offer Description
  • Offer Transformation Process
  • Offer Unique Differentiation (USP)
  • Credibility & Trust
  • Audience Fit & Non-Fit
  • Barriers and Objections
  • FAQS

The development process for a custom offer messaging & positioning strategy is approximately a 6-8 week timeline.

Phase 1: Brand Discovery & Research

  • Client Business Questionnaire
  • Brand Review
  • Industry & Competitor Market Research (top 3)
  • Audience Market Research
  • Offer Strategy Workshop with Client (up to 2 hours)

Phase 2: Brand Strategy Development

  • Ideation and strategic outline of the product or service, based on inclusions.

Phase 3: Brand Strategy Book Delivery

  • Offer Strategy Presentation (in walkthrough video).
  • Client review (1 round of edits)
  • Final Offer Book Delivery (in document)

Pre-requisites: A brand strategy is suggested.

Starting from $8,000 USD (for one product or service).

Custom Promotion Strategy
Step into the realm of strategic visibility with a Promotional Marketing Strategy — a comprehensive roadmap that guides your business towards discoverability and seamlessly nurtures strangers into potential clients or customers. This high-level strategy is not just a mere plan; it’s a dynamic process designed to elevate your brand’s awareness and foster meaningful connections. Delving into strategic touchpoints, it maps out the journey of turning unknown prospects into loyal customers.

A custom promotional strategy is suitable for…

  • Established Businesses who are in the process of outsourcing their marketing: Whether it’s to an external social media agency or a junior in-house marketing team, let me develop the senior-level strategic marketing foundations to guide their day-to-day efforts.
  • Established entrepreneurs seeking done-for-you strategy upon which they can implement themselves.

Who it’s not a fit for:

  • Businesses who are still in the ideation stage or have not validated their product or service yet.
  • Businesses who have not validated their market fit yet.

Promotion Core:

  • Business Goals
  • Sales Goals
  • Audience Review
  • Industry Review
  • Promotional Audit
  • Marketing Objectives

Attraction Strategy:

  • Marketing Channel selection
  • Promotional funnel strategy
  • Visibility Recommendation + tactics
  • Engagement Recommendation + tactics
  • Lead Generation Recommendation + tactics
  • Nurture Recommendation + tactics
  • Conversion Recommendation + tactics

Implementation Recommendations:

  • Budget Allocation Recommendation
  • Benchmark Metrics to track
  • Implementation suggestions

The development process for a custom offer messaging & positioning strategy is approximately a 8-10 week timeline.

Phase 1: Business + Brand Discovery

  • Client Business Questionnaire
  • Brand Review
  • Industry Market Research
  • Audience Market Research
  • Promotional Strategy Workshop with Client (up to 2 hours)

Phase 2:  Promotion Strategy Development

  • Ideation and strategy development of promotional core, attraction strategy and implementation recommendations.

Phase 3: Promotional Strategy Delivery

  • Promotion Strategy Presentation (in walkthrough video).
  • Client review & implementation suggestions call (1 hr)
  • Final Promotional Strategy Delivery (in PDF / google sheets )

Starting from $12,000 USD (for one signature product or service)

Other Services

Consulting Day/s– Hire me as a Marketing & Brand consultant for a day or multiple days. A tailored, intensive experience crafted for those in pursuit of immediate, strategic solutions to specific projects not covered in my outlined services (lies outside the scope of brand, offer & promotional strategy).  This exclusive day offers flexibility; whether you desire brainstorming over Zoom, or simply my dedicated time focused on your brand and business, the choice is yours. 6 hour day starting from $3,000 USD. 

Fractional CMO services– Hire me as a Chief Marketing Officer on a monthly retainer basis for a set no of hours per week/ month (minimum 3 months contract). Great for businesses seeking part-time senior support on an ongoing basis or large project basis. Pricing via application only. 

Submit a enquiry…

Thank you for taking the time to explore my custom strategy and services guide! If you’re interested in exploring the possibilities of working together, I invite you to complete an inquiry form. This brief questionnaire is designed to shed light on the intricacies of your business and the specific support you are seeking.

Upon receiving your submission, I’ll personally reach out to you via email to delve deeper into your unique needs or set up a connection call if required. Together, we can explore how I can support you in bringing forth your authentic brand into the world.

Please note, my custom strategy & services are available on an ad-hoc limited basis & is by enquiry and best-fit only.