
the energy marketing™

Discover how you are uniquely designed to market your business in alignment to your human design.


Marketing the ‘traditional’ way, worshipping business “gurus” or looking outside of yourself for answers in one-size-fits-all success formulas just isn’t worth sacrificing your soul.

Swimming in a sea of endless human design information is not the same as applying and embodying your energetic blueprint daily in your marketing and business.

The spaghetti-throwing-at-the-wall biz approach is ineffective and you realise time is way too precious to keep “figuring it out” on your own whilst your client calendar sits half empty.




The only thing holding you back from growing a successful soul-nourishing business is understanding how to market your business in alignment to your human design.


Quit the confusion and finally understand what your human design chart means when it comes to marketing your business- not only your energy type but your profile, centers, channels and incarnation gates too.

Stop blending in online and turn up the voltage of your natural magnetism by understanding how you can practically bring to life your divine gifts to attract clients or customers with ease.

Heal from a case of comparisonitis and feel calm, clear and deeply confident in following your own soul’s strategy for marketing success to start, grow or scale your business * your * way.


the energy marketing™

Cut through the confusion and discover how your human design is here to market and turn your soul’s work into sales.

The hidden truth is you were encoded with a unique mission, message and magic as you entered this world. Provided with divine gifts and natural strengths you are here to infuse into your business. Gifted with an energetic blueprint that reveals how you are uniquely designed to market and attract clients or customers with ease, alignment and true efficiency. An Energy Marketing™ Session is your invitation to break-free from confusion and overwhelm, and gain clarity on what your human design actually means when it comes to marketing your business. 

✓  Your Marketing Superpowers and Blindspots– The unique strengths you can leverage as a soulpreneur when marketing and growing your business as well as potential blindspots to be mindful of. This looks at the energy type and strategy in your human design chart and how to apply it to your marketing.

✓  Your Soulpreneur GPS- How you are uniquely designed to make decisions in your marketing and business. This looks at the authority in your human design chart.

✓  Your Soulpreneur Profile-How you are designed to show up as a soulpreneur and play in the marketing dimension. This looks at the profile in your human design chart and how to apply it to your marketing.

✓  Your Soulpreneur Centers- How you are naturally designed to exchange energy with your clients or customers, as well as opportunities in business. This looks at the centers in your human design chart.

✓  Your Divine Channels- The unique gifts you are here to infuse into the way you grow your business. This looks at the defined channels in your chart. 

✓  Your Incarnation Gifts- The incarnation energy within you as a soulpreneur that you are designed to infuse into your marketing and business. This looks at the incarnation gates in your human design chart and a consideration of how to integrate them into your marketing and business.

#01 /
You meet over Zoom and get your aura pierced by a Projector and Marketing Expert with 13+ years world class experience growing multi-million dollar businesses! You’ll feel deeply seen as we laser focus on your business situation and gain crystal clear clarity on what’s blocking you from attracting a consistent flow of clients or customers or what needs optimizing to smash that sales ceiling and quantum jump to that next level in business.
#02 /

We’ll peer into the foundational elements of your Human Design chart including your energy type, strategy, authority, profile, centers, defined channels and incarnation cross. You’ll receive custom guidance on what they mean in the context of marketing and tips on how you can holistically and practically apply them to your marketing. * Please note, we do not go into planets, gates, transits during this session.

#03 /
You will walk away with key strategic marketing recommendations on what steps you can take or implement right away to activate your marketing magnetism. You will have moved from “I don’t know how to practically leverage this human design information” to having clarity and a clear action plan to align your business to your human design to attract sales in an effective, aligned and easeful way. Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all approaches and hello to doing business * your * way.

“I’ve never felt so seen in my business journey”


Service based providers such as a coach, healer, health practitioner, creative or a product based business (physical or digital) in the realm of health, spirituality or wellness looking to run a business in alignment to their energetic blueprint.

New or aspiring soulpreneurs who are not attracting a consistent flow of clients or customers into their business and require support in developing an energetically aligned marketing plan to hit their sales goals.

Existing soulpreneurs who already have a working marketing strategy in place but are feeling out of energetic alignment and want to scale to the next level in greater resonance with their human design.


Alignment & intentions questionnaire including your birth details (including exact time) and location so I can review your human design chart in preparation.

Up to 75 minute one-one-one session on Zoom where we’ll identify how you can apply your unique energetic blueprint (human design) to your business.

Strategic high level marketing recommendations from a Marketing Strategist and Business Guide with over a decade of best practice experience.

Audio recording of your session to revisit whenever you like.

using human design in business

Meet your guide
Kiara Maree

Kiara Maree is a Marketing Strategist and Business Guide with over a decade’s worth of wisdom growing multi-million dollar brands in the marketing industry; with first class  experience in product development, branding, messaging, social media marketing, online marketing and PR. 

Infusing this wisdom with her passion and life’s experience with human design as a Projector 3/5 with a Cross of Planning, she has supported many soulpreneurs to awaken their magnetism and supercharge their sales in alignment to their energetic blueprint. 


I invite you to tune into your intuition and human design authority to make a decision. Emotional authority? See how you feel over the next three days (70% is a yes). Splenic authority? Notice your present instinct. Lunar authority? Wait 28 days. Mental authority? Sound board with a trusted biz bestie. Common FAQ are noted below. Please note, it is possible to claim this as a business expense under marketing or education for tax purposes (check with your local laws).

Working with Kiara was a really wonderful and informative experience. Kiara’s guidance gave me clarity on my business as a whole but also tangible next steps which I could immediately implement. I felt like I got to know myself better, especially in the ways that work best for me in my business, giving insight with specific marketing strategies that would work well according to my soul blueprint and assurance in letting go of the strategies that feel less aligned and wouldn’t serve me as well. I really appreciated the instant insights I received and I liked that it wasn’t a super long process for me to gain guidance. I would really recommend working with Kiara in this way if you are feeling stuck or need guidance and clarity in your business and in ways of working that serve you in the best way.
Reiki Master
My session with Kiara was full of knowledge, wisdom, compassion and care. I felt truly listened to and supported by Kiara as she learned more about me and my business situation. She offered practical steps and actions I can take and incorporate into my business to be running my business from a place of complete authenticity and flow for my human design as a Generator. I recommend 100% setting up a call with Kiara!
Network Marketer
Having a session with Kiara was like a breath of fresh air. She pointed out a few very important strategies where I might leak my energy. She also helped me see my uniqueness as a Projector! Highly recommend anyone having a session for anyone wanting to know more about how they can apply their human design into business so they can feel more ease and flow. Thank you so much!
embodiment coach
If you are looking for clarity & guidance in your business, do yourself a favor and reach out to Kiara. She helped me dial down & simplify all of my services and offerings. I have so many interests and talents and Kiara helped me identify the most crucial, interesting & soul-fulfilling marketing & business plan. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
spiritual guide
Before working with Kiara I felt confused, frustrated and overwhelmed. I had no idea what the missing link was in my business and was on the verge of burnout. Meeting with Kiara felt angelic and divine, she has a gift for looking at your business and helping you understand what that missing link is and how to fix it! She answered my questions thoroughly and gave me personalized suggestions for how to market my business and offerings in a way that feels so much more aligned and refreshing - I finally feel I have what I need to truly create material flow.
re-parenting guide
Kiara Maree is very professional, kind and intuitive. Our strategy sessions was great as I felt like she really saw and understood my brand and business. She helped collaborate with me on a marketing strategy that would work best for me personally, which was extremely helpful. We went deep into what was working and what wasn't working. I have so many tools to implement and create now that I would have struggled to figure out on my own (if if ever did!).
Life Coach
Kiara Maree was amazing to work with! She has a lovely, gentle energy. Her knowledge is extensive and she is clearly passionate about supporting women and giving them a voice that can be heard loudly in the ocean of businesses. She is very intuitive and also allows you to express your truth without question, she honours your truth and assists you to express it in harmony with yourself and your business. I am so grateful to Kiara for everything and I can’t recommend her services highly enough.


I feel lit up helping businesses in the holistic health, wellness and personal growth industries as they are the stewards of the New Earth! This includes coaches, healers, health practitioners, creatives as well as lifestyle and spiritual brands. I have 13+ years marketing experience in this space growing service based start-ups as well as 6-9 figure product based businesses (physical and digital).

This means I am well versed at supporting soulpreneurs at many stages in their business journey. 

  • Existing soulpreneurs who are not yet hitting the consistent 10k month mark in their business and need more support in optimising and re-aligning their marketing.
  • Existing soulpreneurs who may be hitting their sales goals but are feeling depleted and out of alignment. They desire support in energetically aligning their marketing to their human design for greater ease and effectiveness or pivoting their existing business.
  • Aspiring soulpreneurs who want guidance in bringing a new business to life. This includes those who already have a good idea of your unique magic (ie. you have a skill, certification, passion and have a rough idea on how you want to serve others). This session is not designed for those want a business but have no idea of what they want to do.

I have Bachelor of Business and 12 years experience in marketing and growing businesses including start-ups, large 7-9 figure brands, and solopreneur businesses. I have a broad range of marketing knowledge including social media, paid and organic growth, community development, content strategy, campaign development, email, web, seo/sem, influencers, ambassador partnerships, brand outreach and sponsorships. I also have deep business development experience in offer creation or new product development, market research, branding, messaging and copywriting.

I am a highly experienced Marketing Strategist and Business Guide. It is important to differentiate here that I am not a “coach” in the respect that I am not here to pull your own answers outside of you. Most of the clients I work with have limited marketing and business experience and need expert support in this area. I do not get into heavy mindset, trauma or emotional therapy territory in the session.

As part of the Energy Marketing™ modality, human design is used as a tool to uncover your unique energetic blueprint (your divine operating manual). In the session we will cover the most important human design elements in relation to your business and marketing; including your energy type, strategy, authority, profile, centers, defined channels and incarnation gates.

I am nearly five years into my own human design experiment which has been life changing for me (hence why I infuse it into my work!) and have undertaken training to read human design charts.  The focus is on application and embodiment in the context of business and marketing.

Please note, whilst I do tap into my intuition, I am not an energy healer nor can I visibly “see” your energy or aura.

I do not offer free discovery calls for The Energy Marketing session, my entry level offer. I recommend downloading my free bundle or consuming my free content to get a taste of what it’s like to work with me. 

If you would like delve deeper into the Energy Marketing™ modality after our session and receive ongoing support, I invite you to look into my longer term programs on my Work with Me page.