Marketing By Design
1:1 Personalised Strategic Guidance + Mentorship for Growing Entrepreneurs ready to Unearth Their Authentic Brand & Attract Their Most Aligned Clients

It’s time to trade the DIY struggle for authentic business success. Join me for a marketing makeover meets mentorship experience — where we’ll give your service or product a high-potency upgrade, clarify your messaging and create a bespoke promotional strategy that not only propels your business forward but does it in a conscious, spacious, and authentically you kind of way.

Here’s the revelation: Running a purpose-driven business isn’t just about doing what you love. It’s about mastering magnetic marketing to attract a consistent stream of aligned customers so you can truly make a difference.

You began your business with a heartfelt calling, aspiring to leverage your unique gifts for a life of authenticity and impact. Yet, the reality has unveiled a complexity beyond ‘doing work that lights your soul on fire.’ As your own boss, the freedom is nice but attracting every dollar is now an added responsibility, unlike the security of a predictable monthly salary.

Now at this pivotal stage, you understand purpose-led entrepreneurs who genuinely transform lives and enjoy the serene assurance of fully booked calendars are those who master the art of authentic communication and online marketing. As a dedicated soul committed to your mission, you recognize that it’s time to refine your focus on stabilizing your marketing foundations, creating “wow she’s in my head” messaging + putting the brand attraction strategy in place so you can attract more aligned customers and leave the impact you started your business for.

The reality is you’ve outgrown the generic 101 courses and entry-level group coaching programs, yet you’re not at the point where you can invest a hefty 10k-30k+ monthly budget in a marketing agency to handle the work for you. What you truly need is a guiding hand — one-on-one, customized guidance from a seasoned Marketing and Brand professional with 15 years of experience and a mentor who honours every inch of your authentic blueprint.

Facing scattered efforts, shaky sales, and a lag in business growth is an unfortunate reality for many conscious entrepreneurs lacking aligned messaging and marketing.
You’re courageously showing up online, but you’ve been suppressing the uniqueness and evolution of who you are as a brand and aren’t sure how to position your offerings so that most aligned people find you. It’s only natural to feel small in a seemingly saturated niche or a cocktail mix of your online admirers, but you know it’s time to stop fitting in and start owning your unreplicable nature.
You’re great at what you do, but you can’t seem to clearly articulate the full scope of your unique  genius and the value your offers provide (including the intangible!). Perhaps comparisonitis has a hold of you because your offerings sound the same as everyone else in your niche or you’re using messaging that is calling in people who don’t actually light your soul on fire.
You’re getting enquiries and customers here and there, but marketing still feels like one big guessing game and you don’t have a stable, aligned organic marketing strategy in place that sets you up for long-term success. You may find yourself in a freeze state without clarity, or wasting too much time trying every standard trick. You know you can’t afford to stay stagnant in the DIY era or being one of many in a group program that doesn’t honour every inch of your human design.
You’re done with the one sized-fits-all approaches, copy pasting your expander’s strategy, or simply feel out of resonance with the traditional marketing world. Whilst these approaches may bring you some quick wins, you’re done with the guru game and sacrificing who you are on the pursuit of business success. You’re ready to start experimenting, embodying and living your human design in your offers, brand and marketing.
Amidst a sea of cookie-cutter business approaches, the only path that leads to long-term authentic business (and life) success is custom-designed around your unique blueprint.
It is entirely possible to grow your business without…

Projectors…initiating and chasing down customers, or following a strategy that has you on a never-ending loop of showing up,  burning out, spending weeks recovering and doing it over and over again *that bitterness is real*.

Generators…using all that sustainable life-force energy to masquerade as a go-getting manifestor, or applying all the “right advice” that drains your passion and has you knee-deep in a pool of business frustration.

Manifesting Generators…forcing yourself to fit into a small box for the sake of “choosing one thing” and feeling like your multi-passionate self is about to burst from all that business restriction.

Manifestors…dimming your immense power in your marketing, or following the “tried and tested” strategies that have you repeating everyone else’s paths and ignoring your own.

Reflectors…having a strategy that doesn’t honour your sensitivity, sharing only a miniscule of your real wisdom or feeling stuck instead of fluid and free.

Human Design Manifesting Generator Business - Blog Image 2
Ready for “you’re reading my mind” comments, higher-value $ customers + attracting buyers whilst you rest evolution?
✓ your brand stands out in a sea of sameness and cuts through the online noise because you are deeply anchored in your authenticity. Your marketing stands out for it’s compassion, soul and the way it makes people ‘feel’. Which means people don’t just come for your products or services, they also come for your unique medicine.
✓ your messaging and content is calling in higher calibre clients and customers who make serving your offerings feel more like play than work. I’m talking soul fractal customers who recognise your immense value, are devoted to their transformation and want to pay you damn well for your contribution to their life!
✓ you have more time to focus on your zone of genius (and enjoy a spacious life offline!) because you have an energetically aligned marketing ecosystem working it’s magic. A clear and stress-free pathway that gets your work more visible, builds a community, and leads to an inbox full of ‘how soon can I work with you’ DMs. The stability for your nervous system is simply priceless!

✓ not only are you integrating your human design in business, but you’re amplifying your genius the way you were born to. You’re no longer doubting your marketing but are using this tool as just another divine technology that helps you embody your unique essence and anchor your mission across the earth. Shining brighter than ever before.

Marketing By Design is a 1:1 strategic guidance & mentorship experience for growing conscious entrepreneurs ready to elevate their brand, messaging and marketing — in an authentically YOU kind of way.

In this personalised experience you’ll finally drop the confusion + overwhelm and receive the one-on-one personalised strategic guidance from a 15 Year Marketing & Brand Strategist plus the resources and custom feedback to help you audit, design or refine the most essential marketing foundations of your business. I will guide you to turn your cookie-cutter product or service into a high-value offer, transform bland words into magnetic messaging and design an authentic attraction strategy that turns strangers into soul-on-fire customers.

During our time together you’ll not only craft a long-term strategy for attracting a stable stream of your most aligned customers for rinse-and-repeat success, but you’ll also cultivate a deeper alignment with your energetic blueprint. As a conscious entrepreneur and a seven-year explorer of Human Design & Gene Keys, I’ll uniquely guide you in a way that resonates with every aspect of your authentic blueprint. For the growing entrepreneur seeking a season of aligned strategy infused with authentic expression, this tailor-made experience awaits you.

A glimse at the personalised pathway…
#1 — Break free from the ordinary and explore the depths of your Human Design and Gene Keys, empowering you to lead authentically from the start.

Here, you’ll not only allow your true design to soar but also strategically harness its power in your business.

  • Gain a profound and comprehensive grasp of your unique Human Design chart, delving into its implications for marketing and business. This includes understanding your energy type, authority, profile, channels, and incarnation gates, all tailored to enhance your business strategy.
  • Unlock the mysteries of your personal Gene Keys activation sequence and pearl sequence, elevating your awareness of the shadow, gift, and siddhi frequencies woven into your energetic blueprint. This transformative journey offers a pathway to aligning with your authentic self, enriching both your personal and professional life.
#2 — Release the misaligned tribe and develop a crystal clear understanding of your High Resonance Audience & customers who light your soul on fire!

Bid farewell to the traditional ideal client template and instead, craft a bespoke canvas for High Resonance Clients tailored exclusively to you and your offerings.

  • Plunge into the realms of your Human Design chart, unraveling the natural magnetism you possess in business, and strategically identify the intersection with your audience.
  • Delve into a nuanced review, refining your niche to precisely target those individuals and issues where your gifts and expertise shine brightest in this current phase of your business journey.
  • Cultivate an in-depth understanding of the behavioral, psychological, and energetic nuances of your aligned customers, unveiling the desires they fervently seek. You’ve never done market research like this before.
#3 — Transform ordinary products or services into High Potency Offers by enhancing their positioning, messaging, and perceived value.

Whether it’s reshaping current offerings or introducing new ones, infuse messaging that articulates the profound essence of your magic and the authentic transformation it imparts.

  • Conduct a meticulous audit of your existing signature offers, refining them to elevate their branding and positioning and alignment with your human design (and the lifestyle you wish to live). Alternatively, create fresh offerings (such as 1:1 packages, group programs, online courses, or memberships) to support your next phase of growth.
  • You’ll get access to my High Potency Offer framework which will help you explore and convey the inherent high-value of your offer and ensure it resonates with your most aligned tribe. Plus my eyes and custom feedback to workshop your offer messaging to perfection! 
  • Our journey together extends beyond ideation to the creation of compelling marketing assets. You’ll get my high-converting sales page guide and level up your sales page messaging so you can let your offers shine brilliantly in the market.
#4 — Quit blending in & define your Authentic Brand so you can start standing out in your niche + be known as the go-to for your gifts.

Rise above the conventional aspects of logos and immerse yourself in the creation of a brand that not only aligns with your energy but is also impossible to replicate.

  • Get access to my Brand Strategy Book guide and embark on a comprehensive exploration to define your brand core, brand personality and brand positioning to communicate who you are and align with the audience you desire to attract. *Note does not include visual brand identity graphic design support.
  • Diver deeper into the energetics of your human design and gene keys to unearth your brand expression from the inside out. We’ll take these insights and weave them into your Authentic Brand, and take your human design experiment to the next level. 
  • Develop magnetic brand messaging alongside me, articulating both the strategic and energetic facets of your brand, creating a narrative you can consistently weave into your content marketing and brand engagements.
#5 — Design & refine your Authentic Promotional Strategy so you can attract leads in your sleep & turn strangers into buyers with soul + efficiency.

Now that we’ve distilled your essence, defined your brand, and anchored your messaging, the focus shifts to amplifying these elements through a custom-designed attraction eco-system tailored to you and your business goals.

  • Conceive a promotional organic marketing strategy for your signature offers and brand to propel your work into the spotlight, fostering visibility engagement and sales conversion—utilizing tactics that align seamlessly with your human design.
  • Develop, create, and implement marketing assets and attraction systems with my guidance, such as email sequences, lead magnets, or launch materials, all strategically crafted to turn strangers into buyers. Get them reviewed by me to ensure they’re working their maximum potential. *Done-for-you copywriting not included.
  • Chart your marketing intentions and strategically plan for the next quarter, employing organic tactics that align with your energy, allowing you to direct your focus where it matters most. Not good with numbers? No worries, I’ll calculate lead numbers and conversion benchmarks so you know roughly how many people you need to reach month on month for you to meet your sales intentions.
#6 — Ditch the unintentional content & create a Content Strategy that unearths your authentic expression, captivates and converts.

No matter what your channels, we will create impactful content that transforms people before they even buy from you. This is key to attracting ready-to-buy customers!

  • On one of our calls, together we’ll map you out an aligned Content Strategy for your business so you can connect, captivate and call in your High Resonance Customers. Creating content takes time yes, but it doesn’t need to take hours: get access to my Content Planning System on Notion so you can get more of your time-freedom back! 
  • Level up your content messaging and get access to my go-to Content Framework & Copywriting Guide so you can reduce the word-making confusion. When you level up your conversion writing skills you know every piece of content you create is working to create connection & ultimately convert ready-to-transform people.
  • It’s not just about content strategy, but the content energetics too. We’ll chat communication expression through the lense of your human design and gene keys charts so you can start showing up with soul. 
Marketing By Design isn’t just the first program of it’s kind that merges the power of marketing with human design.
it’s an energetic metamorphosis here to shift the way you do business.

A portal for Projectors to set up the foundations to attract an overflow of invitations by leveraging the true depth of their aura. Where they are deeply seen and recognized for their soul’s work without initiating or overdoing.

A portal for Generators to set up the foundations to attract sales by leveraging their expansive energy. Where marketing becomes a portal for embodying the passion they have for their soul’s work.

A portal for Manifesting Generators to set up the foundations to market their business with fluidity and not an ounce of restriction. Where sharing their soul’s work feels good and is also crystal clear for others.

A portal for Manifestors to to set up the foundations to leverage their powerful energy and trailblaze a pathway that’s never been paved before. Where marketing and attracting sales becomes a vehicle to impact others deeply.

A portal for Reflectors to to set up the foundations to honour their sensitivity and attract sales by leveraging the wisdom that’s stored in their soul. Where marketing becomes a mirror for what their audience is here to know.

Say goodbye to the DIY struggle and open the door to expert support, propelling your business to new heights.
Let’s check if we are an aligned fit…

You’re not here for that 101 entry level business coach who asks you “…so what do you feel like posting today?You’re ready for one-to-one personalised guidance from a 15 year experienced professional in marketing + brand growth who can bridge the knowledge gap and get into the nitty gritty of your business with you. My decade long corporate experience growing 7-9 figure brands gifted me with deep strategic mastery in a wide range of marketing areas including brand strategy, new product development, online marketing, paid advertising, organic social media, influencers, launch events & campaigns.

You don’t just want any marketing mentor, but a Projector who deeply honours your energetic blueprint and the human behind the business. Something tells me you started your business because it gives you the opportunity to align with your authentic self, and design your business around the spacious, soulful life you desire to lead. I won’t just help you make decisions around your business, I’ll help you do so in a way that aligns with what works best for your operating manual and the kind of life you desire to live. Human Design and Gene Keys are systems I’ve spent 7 years experimenting with personally and mastering working with hundreds of clients so energetics are a constant thread in our time together.

You’re seeking to be guided by my unique blend of human design gifts around extracting and amplifying uniqueness with efficiency & frequency. In addition to my marketing expertise, my Life’s Work Magical Genius Gate 16 supports me in laser focussing on the true uniqueness and point of difference in clients. My 40-37 Channel of Community which is all about bargains for the tribe helps me ensure equal energetic exchange in my clients offerings. My Culture 31 holds the gift of heart branding and helps me to tune into the energetic frequency behind messaging and marketing. My Cross of Planning combined with my open sacral supports me in creating strategies with efficiency in mind (so you can actually enjoy more freedom in life).
Done-with-you strategy, personalised mentorship
& resources for serious metamorphosis.

what this experience may include:

  • Private one-on-one strategic guidance and mentorship with Kiara Maree: Let’s dive deep into the nitty gritty of your business in harmony with your authenticity.  Get access to my 15 years of vast product/service development, marketing and brand building expertise for the length of your package.
  • Done-With-You Brand, Messaging, Promotion & Content Strategy: Hands-on support to build a collection of strategies set for the long-term so you can thrive on your own until you’re ready to outsource your marketing! (These collection of strategies cost over $50k+ for done-for-you clients). 
  • Human design alignment guidance and custom 50+pg blueprint: Be guided in harmony with your energetic blueprint and connect to your authentic expression. All strategy and guidance is bespoke for your holistic human design chart and gene keys.
  • Two x 60minute sessions per month: a space for creative collaboration and live support over Zoom. We’ll use this time to craft aligned strategies together and support you to break-through your business blocks (*held on Tuesdays AUS + Europe > Monday for US). 
  • Direct messaging access to Kiara Maree: a space to keep up the momentum and be supported outside of calls as you implement. This is your go-to portal for asking questions and getting feedback (*on Tues, Wed, Fri).
  • Material Review: a chance to get all assets created during the program including your sales pages, lead magnets and content reviewed for expert hands-on feedback.
  •  Personalised Client portal: a space to map out priorities and action items during the program. Plus get the marketing & brand Notion dashboard you can keep forever.
  • Exclusive Resources Access: gain access to my vault of marketing resources, templates, training materials and energetic meditations.
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This experience may be an aligned fit for you if…
  • ✔︎ You are a conscious service based entrepreneur, coach, consultant, practitioner, creative or small product based business owner with a greater mission to contribute to the mental, emotional, physical, financial or spiritual wellbeing of the collective
  • ✔︎ You are in the building and growing season of business. You’ve likely been in business for a minimum of 6 months already, have completed trainings or worked with some clients or customers before but don’t yet have the effective or aligned marketing foundations in place to grow to an aligned 10-30k per month business in the next 1-3 years. 
  • ✔︎ You are an existing entrepreneur wanting to refine or pivot the type of client or customer you want to serve or launch a new offer. You want strategic guidance + mentorship to help you develop new positioning, messaging and promotional strategies to call in a different or new clientele. 
  • ✔︎ You are an existing entrepreneur or small business owner who has been relying on organic social content or offline referrals and desires guidance in developing an online automated marketing system to consistently attract leads with less manual time involvement.
  • ✔︎ Authenticity and alignment are some of your top personal values. You don’t want to work with any marketing or brand professional + mentor, you want one who also honours your human design, gene keys and can help you build foundations around your personal ideals of success and spaciousness. 
  • ✔︎ You are eager to be mentored and upskill in the field of brand and marketing, with the intention of taking more responsibility for this crucial aspect of your business, so you can navigate your entrepreneurial journey with more intentional action.
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This experience may not be an aligned fit for you if…
  • ✖ You are in the initial stages of your business and haven’t established fundamental elements such as IT infrastructure, legal frameworks, financial processes, and essential business foundations. It’s essential to have these in place before engaging in the program.
  • ✖ You are relatively new to your industry, undergoing training and still developing your skills as a serviced based professional, or don’t yet have a prototype if you’re a product-based business owner and would benefit working with beta-clients or customers first. The program is most effective for those who already possess a foundational confidence in their craft and can drive transformative results. 
  • You are not prepared to commit focused time and energy to our partnership. This program is a hands-on, collaborative experience that requires active involvement. You’ll be responsible for conducting research, creating marketing assets, and implementing strategies during our time together. If you cannot allocate at least 4 hours per week in the initial two months, you may not fully benefit from this experience.
  • ✖ You are a well-established business owner generating multi 6-7 figures annually, earning over $350k per year in the scaling season of business. In this case, you might find better alignment with my done-for-you brand or marketing strategy services, or consider outsourcing to a social media or marketing agency.
  • ✖ You are not comfortable with technology or open to working with digital tools. The program involves leveraging various online platforms and tools to enhance your marketing efforts. If you’re not comfortable with technology, it may impact your ability to fully participate in the program.

  • Fellow marketing professionals who already have an existing expertise in the field of brand, messaging and promotion. It’s not a business coaching experience aimed at growing a marketing freelance business; rather, it’s tailored for individuals with a zone of genius outside of marketing.
For the conscious entrepreneur who values personal
alignment, soul-led success & a spacious life offline.

you’re definitely in the right place if…

You crave more time and a life of spaciousness, and you’re ready to establish marketing systems that make you visible and convert your audience into buyers while you savor moments offline.
You identify as a conscious woman who values authentic messaging and promotion, steering clear of fear-based tactics that disempower consumers.
You’re not seeking a generic business coach to work on mindset; you desire bespoke guidance from a seasoned professional with 15 years of experience growing multiple multi-million dollar brands (& has also done the thing personally too, building a booked out biz with a FT job & leaving the 9-5 life in 1.5 years).
You seek not only strategy but also alignment with your energetic blueprint, recognizing the importance of Human Design integration to break free from rules and authentically embody who you really are.
This isn’t just about building a business or making a living for you. It’s about contributing your unique gifts, living your soul design & playing a part in helping make this world a more healed, whole place.
How to apply for this personalised experience…
1) Submit Your Application

If you’re interested in working together, I invite you to fill out the application form. This will allow you to provide me with a high level overview of you, your business and your goals. If your application is accepted, I will reach out to invite you to book in an introductory Audit Session.

2) 1 Hour Audit Session
This initial session & audit is a chance for us to assess your current business + marketing foundations. From this review, I will be in a position to help you identify key business and marketing blocks and provide guidance on opportunities for alignment & growth. *Please note, this session is not a discovery call and is billed separately at $500 USD.
2) Long Term Support

After our audit session, if I’m confident I can assist you, I’ll send through a personalized proposal on how we can work together along with timeframe and confirmed pricing. If you’re ready to move forward, a non-refundable deposit will be necessary to secure our partnership. 

What happens in my clients world after their time in Marketing by Design…

They SAVE PRECIOUS TIME & STRESS LESS about marketing because they’re no longer re-doing things over and over again. They have a bespoke trusted strategy implemented for the long haul that’s working to consistently and repeatedly attract the right customers to their business. They spend less time on marketing and more time serving their people and enjoying their life. 

They EARN MORE REVENUE & CHARGE HIGHER PRICES without adding more to their programs or products because they know how to communicate the value of their work better than their trainers or teachers can and are building brands that no one can replicate.

They become BETTER MARKETERS because they’ve journeyed with a 15yr+ marketing expert for 12 weeks and know it’s not about how much marketing they do, or how long they spend creating content, but how intentional they are with their messaging and energy on the aspects that actually move the needle for their mission.

They LIVE THEIR DESIGN WITH CONFIDENCE and no longer outsource their power or authority outside of themselves in business. Each and every client walks out saying not only did they get a marketing upgrade, but they got a whole life upgrade due to the energetic shifts that happen as a side-effect of this work. 

Don’t take my word for it…


I thought I was entering a program to strengthen my marketing…what I got was a massive energetic upgrade which I totally didn’t expect and has blown my mind! Kiara is a super sharp and tuned-in strategist that combines solid expertise with higher-level guidance for soulpreneurs to profoundly step into their next level. I absolutely loved diving deeper into the human design rabbit hole and taking my brand and marketing alignment to the next level in a very tangible way. Lot’s of concrete implementation (rebrand, tweaking offers, new social media, sales pages, etc). Never had imagined I would go through such a profound energetic timeline shift and have higher prices already being sold to premium clients with ease. I’m so glad we got to work together and look forward to continuing this journey. If you feel the pull, step into this profound experience.

A L I X –   B U S I N E S S  &  L I F E   C O A C H


“Before starting the MBD program, I felt bitter that my marketing efforts were attracting people that just wanted free advice and clients who micromanaged my creativity. Kiara helped me shape my messaging and positioning to clearly communicate my gifts and transmit the energy that I bring to the table. It was a powerful and much needed kick in the butt to stop hiding a big part of me and shine my light by owning my unique intuitive approach to design. She showed me a way to honour my projector energy in conjunction with the energy of my business entity.  I feel empowered to share my voice, quit comparing myself to others and be myself when showing up AND I never have to question myself how to promote or sell online ever again! 

J A S M I N E   –   I N T U I T I V E   B R A N D   D E S I G N E R


This has been the most nourishing and expansive experience I have ever had in business, and I have been an entrepreneur for over a decade! To work with Kiara 1:1 felt like a safe and magical space. My audience grew by 50%, and I was featured in a leading industry publication. I was able to step out of my comfort zone well-prepared. Kiara always offered deep, thoughtful, expert guidance that was always considerate of my gifts. Having the messaging access was surprisingly my favorite part. I was not sure how much that would help in the beginning but we were able to cover A LOT in that portal, and it made the experience a lot more intimate. This experience has exceeded all my expectations and is worth every penny! Business is a creative portal for me and to be seen in a multi-dimensional way by a gifted expert like Kiara was nothing short of magic!

C L E O D I A  –  N U T R I T I O N I S T

Let’s cover those questions…

Through years of offering personalized guidance in my signature Marketing by Design experience, I’ve realized that a brief discovery call falls short of fully meeting your needs. As a strategist, I believe in dedicating enough time to thoroughly assess your business upfront. This thorough approach enables us to delve into the core of any challenges you may be encountering and present a transparent view of potential opportunities right from the start.

Even if it turns out that another provider may better align with your goals, I believe in empowering you with clarity and insights. The audit session itself holds significant value, regardless of whether you choose to proceed with the full engagement (this is why it is billed separately). My commitment to authenticity and alignment means that I strive to tailor my approach to honor your unique journey.

Marketing by Design is the only experience on the market that includes 1:1 strategic marketing guidance, personalised mentorship + human design & gene keys integration for a complete strategic meets energetic metamorphosis.

As a deliberate business owner seeking support, you’re likely exploring various options. Here’s a unique perspective on how Marketing by Design differs:

Business Coaching Group Programs: Ideal for those starting out, these programs provide support for overcoming mindset hurdles and fostering a sense of community. However, they often fall short for those aiming to achieve 10-30k months in the next 1-3 years. Many focus on surface-level marketing elements and leaves gaps in crucial aspects like positioning, marketing psychology, and messaging. Additionally, the group format may lack the depth of custom 1:1 support needed for individual business and personal nuances. At Marketing by Design, I offer expert 1:1 support and mentorship with a personalized one-on-one focus, setting you up for your next level of success.

Traditional Marketing & Business Consultants, Strategists or Coaches: While these professionals may have a similar level of strategic expertise, the majority will tell you to follow their approach or give you a one-size-fits-all formula that isn’t personalized to you, your energetic blueprint or your idea of a successful life. In Marketing by Design, we incorporate the authenticity-driven tools of human design and gene keys, and explore the depths of your authentic expression,  to ensure your business and marketing foundations align with your unique genius and most natural ways of working. This ensures long-term success, maximum alignment and results (rather than burnout, efficiency or abandoning who you are in the pursuit of “success”).

Human Design & Gey Keys Guides: Whilst these professionals can provide energetic guidance based on your charts, without the practical marketing & brand growth know-how it becomes more difficult to integrate, apply and live your authentic design. Marketing by Design includes the energetic know-how however makes it practical and applicable to a business context. 

Social Media Agencies: Typically, agencies assign junior-level account managers to handle your brand and content creation. While acceptable if your marketing foundations and strategy are well-established, Marketing by Design takes a proactive approach. I help you set up your offer positioning, messaging, and promotional strategy, allowing you to brief them with a comprehensive brand strategy, ensuring optimal ongoing focus on your business goals.

Online Courses and Training Programs: Investing in industry-specific online courses or training programs can empower you with knowledge and skills. However, self-paced learning will lack the personalized guidance and feedback that a tailored support service provides.

If you’re a brand new business owner but have significant experience and confidence in your craft, you’re more than welcome to apply. Especially if you’ve been working in your field in a corporate or 9-5 setting, and are now venturing into self-employment, your proven expertise is highly valuable. The program can assist individuals like you who bring a wealth of experience and want to translate that into successful entrepreneurship. 

However, please note that for those entirely new to their field where initial training may be beneficial, I recommend getting foundational knowledge first, as effective marketing often relies on the ability to provide transformations.

If you operate a product-based business where you are an integral part of your brand (e.g., face of your brand selling essential oils, skincare products), then yes, this program may be suitable for you. However, if you’re managing a high-volume e-commerce product focused on Facebook ads, I would recommend considering collaboration with a digital agency instead, or looking at my done-for-you services.

Part of the program includes a deep dive into your unique design during the initial blueprint phase. We’ll explore and discuss the intricacies of your Human Design and Gene Keys charts, providing you with a comprehensive understanding. This is a foundational aspect of the program, and by the end of it, you’ll have gained valuable insights that will guide us in shaping a customized strategy for your business. The only requirement is an openness to exploring your authentic approach and experimenting with these systems for deeper alignment opportunities.


  • Coaches- mindset, health, spirituality, relationship, business, financial, career.
  • Health & Wellness Practitioners- therapists, naturopaths, dietitians, fitness trainers, nutritionists, physical therapists, acupuncturists, chiropractors, herbalists, aromatherapists, breathwork trainers.
  • Healers – reiki, akashic, energy healers, EFT practitioners, shamanic healers, sound healers.
  • Intuitives – human design readers, astrologers, psychics, tarot card readers, numerologists, mediums.
  • Consultants- finance professionals, accountants, social media professionals, legal professions.
  • Creatives- graphic designers, artists, web designers, photographers, event planners, copywriters, interior designers, content creators, influencers.
  • Product Based brands- health, wellness, lifestyle, beauty, skincare, food.

As a general guideline, I suggest allocating a minimum of 4-5 hours per week during the first two months of the program as this is where we’ll do the deeper research, creation of strategies & assets and the last month is usually focussed on implementation (your standard marketing hours). This will contribute to the overall success and impact of the strategies we develop.

The level of commitment and workload in this program varies based on the specific needs and goals of your business. There will be hands-on work required throughout the program to ensure long-term success. Having a strategist and guide by your side provides the support needed to co-create aligned strategies and effectively allocate your unique energy for maximum output with minimal input.

The amount of work depends on the particular focus areas for your business, and we can discuss this further in our introductory audit. If you’re launching a program from scratch or developing a larger evergreen marketing funnel, I recommend dedicating more time to marketing during the program to ultimately spend less time on it afterward.

I’m based in Melbourne, Australia, extending my services to clients worldwide. For Marketing by Design 1:1 Clients, I host one-on-one calls on Tuesdays. This aligns with Monday afternoon or evening for those in the United States and early Tuesday mornings for clients based in Europe.

Yes, I work with clients who market in languages other than English. I have experience supporting a global audience, and I’m open to accepting clients who are comfortable working in English and translating the content back to their native language. It’s important to note that Marketing by Design is a highly hands-on, one-on-one program where we delve deeply into messaging, sales pages, social media, content, and more. This personalized approach allows us to tailor strategies to effectively communicate and connect with your audience in the language that aligns with your brand.
I have Bachelor of Business and 14 years experience in marketing and growing brands including start-ups, large 7-9 figure brands, and solopreneur businesses. I have a broad range of marketing knowledge including social media, paid and organic growth, community development, content strategy, campaign development, email, web, seo/sem, influencers, ambassador partnerships, brand outreach and sponsorships. I also have deep new business development experience in offer creation or new product development, market research, branding, messaging and copywriting. On the energetic side of things I have six years of human design and gene keys study, professional Level 1-3 human design training, Holy Fire Level 3 Reiki, Usui Level 1 & 2 Reiki, Psych-K Facilitation certification. You can learn more in my About Me page. 

While this program is designed to empower you in refining your messaging, brand, and creating a long-term marketing strategy, it’s important to recognize that individual success is a multifaceted journey. Results are contingent on numerous factors, including audience size, business tenure, commitment level, and the use of organic or paid marketing. Other contributing elements involve product quality, sales skills, and inner factors like mindset and nervous system capacity. It’s crucial to recognize that individual timelines and outcomes can vary based on specific circumstances.

Outlined below are general industry standards:

  • Digital marketing strategies typically require 6-12 months for measurable impact post-implementation, validation, and consistent execution.
  • Organic Social Media Marketing may take 6-10 months for new accounts to show measurable results in audience growth and engagement. Paid social media ads can yield quicker results, sometimes within a month, especially if organic methods have been performing well.
  • Organic SEO Search Marketing for platforms like Google, Pinterest, and YouTube usually takes 9-12 months for measurable results. Paid SEM marketing can yield results in as little as a month.
  • Existing business owners with a large warm audience launching a product may see quicker impacts.

For any questions not covered or answered in this sales page, please private message me on Instagram @kiaramareeco. Thank you. 

If you’ve made it all the way here,
then it’s a sign you’re in the right place…

It’s in those moments where we consider leaping into our next level of growth, that our mind starts to fill with resistance (know this is completely normal & our egos trying to keep us in our comfort zone!) The truth is this decision to apply isn’t just about investing in a marketing program, it’s a lot more than that! 

It’s about claiming your birthright to break the standards and pave your own unique path. It’s about deciding that this is the lifetime where you get to let your magic shine brighter than ever before. Let this be a reminder to follow the call of your inner voice because your work is very much needed in this world.