Wondering what the four arrows are in your human design chart and how they relate to the way you run your business? Human Design is an incredible system that serves as a gateway to get to know ourselves better. The arrows in our chart more particularly hold the potential to helping us business owners contemplate the power in our environment, discern whether we are designed to thrive in structure or embrace our feminine flow and work in more harmonious ways with our mind.
This element of the human design chart is one of the more advanced areas of the system and it can get seriously complex at the deeper variable levels! I’m in the seventh year of my personal human design experiment and this part of the system has been more challenging to discern in lived experience! So today my intention is to share my 3-5 profile contemplations of the basics of the arrows in real life and the way I’ve seen them play out in the realm of business. As always, channel this information through your own internal guidance system and experiment with it for yourself. Remember, no system should trump your own internal truth or intuition (including the HD system) 😉
What are the 4 arrows in your human design chart and how does this impact us as business owners?
These four arrows are known as the ‘Variables’ or ‘Four Transformations’ in the human design system. If you take a look at your human design body-graph you will see them located besides the head and ajna centers. You can use Jenna Zoe’s free software to find yours (it has the arrows in it) or Genetic Matrix paid software if you’re seeking more detailed information on your specific variable of the 16 possible combinations).
The variables relate to our cognitive design and look at how we are designed to perceive and take in the world around us. According to Ra, we‘re made up of these four combinations of Left-ness and Right-ness. Left-ness is about being “focused and strategic”. Rightness is about being “peripheral and receptive”; taking in everything without focus and without agenda. What does this *actually mean* though in real life? The way I personally perceive it so far in my experiment application is that the energy of right-ness is more “feminine” in nature (not fixed, it flows, it’s mutable and open to transform) and the left-ness is more “masculine” in nature (meaning it’s more structured, precise and set in it’s ways).
So how do our variables impact us as business owners? By understanding how our cognition is designed to uniquely work in our environment and take in information, we are more self-aware in the way we can go about our day to day business journey. Human Design is ultimately here to help us understand ourselves better, but this piece of our charts can also support us in practical ways too like contemplating how we can go about goal setting, to the way we set-up our workspace and how we go about the flow of our marketing and content systems.
With the shift to more right-ness as a collective, I sense it means we’re moving away from the traditional corporate-esque models where rigid rules are on their way out and creativity and true innovation are on the way in. We’re making big waves already. More people working from home than ever before. More people demanding less structure and more balance. More business owners embracing their intuitive flow and creative way of perceiving the world than ever before.

Top Left Arrow: Digestion
This means you may be naturally designed to actively digest information and the world around you. The way you digest may show up as more “masculine” in energy and you may crave structure, routine and consistency as a person. This may look like using a calendar system (like Google Cal) to map out your day in order to be efficient and effective or using project planning tools (like Trello or Asana) to keep track of all the things you need to do in your business. Implementing batching and content creation systems to create and manage your marketing content in an effective manner may also help. Nothing wrong with being a control freak!
This means you may be naturally designed to passively digest information and the world around you. This means you take in information spontaneously and don’t necessarily need strict routines or structure to thrive. This energy shines with flexibility and versatility, so allowing yourself to be more intuitive in the way you run your business may honour you. This may look like having less structure in your day to day runnings of the business and allowing enough spaciousness to tap into your creative flow. If you feel bitter or frustrated by having such strict plans, then it’s a sign you could get a lil more flexible. BUT in real life application (speaking from the hard 3-5 profile experience lol) I’ve found having limited structure to come at a detriment to my business at times (meaning it’s so easy to stay in your flow so much that it’s so easy for things to start slipping). To enjoy your personal life whilst also growing a successful business, structure does still help OR delegating the routine stuff you don’t want to do to someone else if you have the freedom to!

Bottom Left Arrow: Environment
This means your energy is designed to be observed within the community. You may feel called to be part of a community or enjoy having a more structured environment. These are people who are healthy when they‘re busy in their environment. This may show up as feeling inspired to set up a sacred spot when running your business that feels stable and consistent. A place you can nest and spend time on your big projects. It doesn’t mean you can’t necessarily cafe hop or be a digital nomad working in a new place everyday, yet finding places that feel grounded and safe to work in may honour you more as you run your business. In my business human design experiment as a ‘caves’ person, I tried swapping my desk around so that my back faced the wall and I could see the door (instead of facing the wall), and it was fascinating how my productivity felt supercharged. Try it and see how it goes!
This means your energy is designed to be an observer within the community. According to Ra, To be a Right person means that when you‘re in the right environment you‘re ‘not active’. You may feel called to running your business in a less structured, more fluid environment. So instead of nesting in one place to run your day to day business, you may feel more aligned with going out to work in different environments. Working in different cafes digital nomad-style observing and soaking up the different cultures. Switching it up between working from home, travelling whilst working. If you’re in a creative lull and finding it difficult to come up with creative content ideas or working on your next big project, it’s a great chance to get out of your usual environment and try immersing yourself in someplace new.

Top Right Arrow: Awareness
The top right arrow is related to your awareness. It represents how you like to recall information and filter knowledge. It can help us understand how our minds naturally work, which can have a flow on impact to the way in which we thrive in business.
This means your mental energy is designed to be more strategic than fluid. According to Ra. everything about the left is strategic – aka. how do I take advantage of a piece of information?’ You may think quite logically in patterns and facts and may find it easier to remember a lot of small details. This may look like making the most of systems in business or making friends with spreadsheets or planning tools so there is less ambiguity in the overall runnings and more attention to detail!
This means your mental energy is designed to be more receptive and creative than structured. According to Ra, everything on the right is, ―Did I take it in? There‘s no idea, there‘s no measurement. So, you may be the type of person to naturally think outside of the box, be in touch with your imagination and see the finer nuance of things when running your business. It may honour you to have a less traditional approach and feel called to tap into your feminine energetics and intuition moreso when creating content or working on your next big project.

Bottom Right Arrow: Perspective
The bottom right arrow is about perspective and how you are designed to see the world. It can help us to identify how focussed or abstract we’re here to see people and the realm around us. With Jenna Zoe’s interpretation of the system, she takes a more practical approach and refers to this arrow around specific or non-specific ‘manifestation’.
This means you may be naturally designed to have a more focussed perspective, and according to Jenna Zoe’s teachings be a ‘specific manifestor’. For you getting crystal clear on your business vision and getting specific about every little detail and every little nuance may better support your evolution. From the lense of more traditional business, this is where setting key performance indicators or specific objectives and plans can help to honour this focused lense of perceiving things and calling things into form.
This means you may be naturally designed to have a less focussed or peripheral perspective and according to Jenna Zoe be a ‘non-specific’ or abstract manifestor. Here you’ll still have a business vision but will opt for the birds eye view over getting into the nitty gritty details of things. So instead of attaching to strict numbers or rigid plans in business, one may feel more inclined to go with the flow and not be phased by the detours or little pivots that come up on the way to meeting your larger intentions.
Radical Transformation Lectures by Ra Uru Hu at Jovian Archive.
Jenna Zoe My Human Design.