a one-on-one human design & gene keys exploratory meets strategic session guiding you to unearth your soulpreneur medicine and contemplate the codes to your energetic attraction in business.
I believe every soulpreneur has a unique medicine they are here to serve and express in the world.

You were birthed into this earthly realm at the divine time and were imbued with an authentic essence that is solely yours. United with the ingredients of acquired wisdom, learned skills, and innate gifts it forms an irreplicable elixir — your soulpreneur medicine — that serves as your greatest offering to the collective.

Your medicine isn’t necessarily what you do, but it’s that unique frequency or one-of-a-kind quality that has you rise above the sea of sameness and command your audience’s undivided attention online. When intentionally expressed through your offerings, brand and marketing, this medicine holds the potential to attract those soul fractal clients or customers who are a deep match for you and your work.

The most powerful attraction algorithm for your business isn’t social media, it’s coded within YOU and your energetic blueprint.

Yet it’s so easy for our unique essence to be hidden within, or casted aside in a one-size-fits-all business realm.

With a veil of amnesia covered over your eyes and immersed in a vast sea of business conditioning, it’s normal to find yourself momentarily disconnected from your own truth and most authentic expression as a rising or established soulpreneur.

Following the well-paved pathways and feeling trapped by comparisonitis. Imitating the medicine of your greatest expanders, whilst abandoning the very own you came here to serve. 

It’s all part of the journey but there comes a point when you know it’s time to stop looking outside of yourself and instead discover the soulpreneur medicine already seeded inside of you.

This intensive is part energetic exploration — deep diving into your energetic blueprint and exploring the most integral pieces of your human design chart and gene keys pearl & activation sequences. As well as part strategic contemplation — tapping into my 14 years business background in marketing & brand to support you in exploring how these energetic insights may be practically applied to you & your business. Here are just a few examples of the aspects we may explore together…
  • Your energetic offering– an exploration of the energetic filter through which you may be here to serve and a contemplation of how this insight strategically applies to the products and/or services you are here to share through the channel of business.
  • Your soul-aligned tribe – an exploration of the energetics of who your unique medicine may be here to attract (soul fractal audience) and a contemplation of how this insight strategically applies to your target audience or community you’re here to connect with.
  • Your brand frequency- an exploration of the energetics of how you may be designed to express your inner essence externally and a contemplation of how this insight strategically applies to your brand.
  • Your messaging voice – an exploration of the energetics of your communication filter and a contemplation of how this insight may strategically impact the way you express your messaging.
  • Your natural attraction mechanics– an exploration of how you may be energetically designed to attract clients, customers and/or opportunities in business.

here’s a breakdown of our intensive…

1) You book in the intensive & fill out the pre-work form:  You click the ‘book now’ button below. After selecting a time in my calendar you’ll receive an auto email with a 1) payment link and 2) pre-questionnaire form to fill out to formally secure your future spot. The questionnaire contains a number of questions on your birth details & high level business information.
2) I review your Human Design chart & Gene Keys Chart (Pearl & Activation sequences). The magic starts before we meet. You get to sit back and relax as I spend 90 minutes prior to our session reading and analysing both your human design chart and your gene keys activation and pearl sequences so I can get to know your energetics at a deeper level and make the most of our live time together.
3) We meet on zoom and spend 75 x minutes exploring your soulpreneur medicine & energetic attraction keys. I bring up your charts on screen, guide you through the most integral pieces of your design to support you in contemplating and unearthing your soulpreneur medicine. I’ll also share some guidance on how you can begin to strategically apply these insights to your business, brand or marketing.
4) Let the energetic or strategic shifts begin. You walk away with a whole lot more clarity on the medicine seeded in your energetic blueprint and some tangible suggestions to start experimenting, integrating or leveraging your design as a soulpreneur in business to level up your authentic attraction.
this intensive is for you if…
  • ☑ You’re a business owner who has soaked up all the free info on your HD basics or even got a foundational human design reading before but are ready to dive deep into the most integral elements of your HD & Gene Keys charts that more deeply impact your attraction.
  • ☑ You are well-versed in HD or Gene Keys without an additional zone of genius in brand and marketing. You’re desiring a more strategic contemplation & application for you & your business.
  • ☑ You’re a rising soulpreneur who hasn’t anchored into your unique differentiation and are seeking to explore what makes you unique in the marketplace.
  • ☑ You have an established business with a well-defined personal brand & unique market position already yet would like to explore the energetic side of your attraction on a deeper level. 

this intensive is not for you if…

  • ☒ You’re seeking a traditional human design reading or gene keys reading. I’ve intuitively found my own way of engaging with them through the lense of my own design + my approach focuses on application of it to you and your business in harmony with my 14 years of business experience in marketing and brand. 
  • ☒ You’re seeking a get-aligned-quick scheme or are looking to outsource your authority and have someone to tell you your genius. I don’t believe any external system (HD or Gene Keys included) or person holds the authority to tell you what your genius is. But they can be powerful tools to help you explore and decide that for yourself. 
  • ☒ You’re solely seeking strategy development or refinement support, such as offering creation, brand strategy or marketing strategy refinement. This offering does not provide done-with-you strategy development services. Please see my longer-term consulting partnerships for this style of support.
Soulpreneur Medicine Intensive Inclusions:
  • Pre-Intensive Form to obtain your birth details and other high-level personal and business information we will reference during our intensive.
  • Holistic review of your 1) Human Design chart and 2) Gene Keys Pearl Sequence & Activation Sequence charts (90 mins pre-work by Kiara Maree).
  • Live 1:1 Private Session with Kiara Maree up to 75 minutes, with a focus on intricacies impacting your soulpreneur medicine and attraction in business. 
  • Bespoke guidance to support you in experimenting and integrating your design in brand, marketing or business.
  • Audio recording of our session for you to keep & reference forever – sent within 5 business days post our intensive. 
$698 USD

To start your booking, click the ‘Book An Intensive’ button below. After selecting a time in my calendar, you’ll receive an auto email with a 1) payment link and 2) pre-intensive form to fill out to formally secure your future spot. *Please note: Intensives & availability are limited (Australian Eastern time-zone > US afternoons/evenings, Europe early mornings). If spots are full for the next few months, join the waitlist to be notified when intensives become available. 

note: if you’re viewing in Instagram in-app browser when booking, please click the ‘…’ in top right corner of IG > Open in System browser > to open page in your mobile web-browser to overcome any system compatibility issues on mobile. 

Meet your guide, Kiara Maree

This offering is the expression and service of my very own soulpreneur medicine. I am here to create a space for soulpreneurs to break out of the sea of sameness and laser focus on their unique differentiation (The Magical Genius Gate 16). As well as support them to amplify it in a way that aligns with their unique expression (Sounding Your Truth Gate 31). 

As an energetic marketing and brand strategist, my unique guidance approach bridges the energetic with the strategic. Uniting my 14yrs business experience in marketing & brand with my 7 years study and experimentation with the human design and gene keys systems. 


Fast forward since our session so many things have changed in my life! You helped me integrate the pieces I’d been hiding, especially the Channel of Struggle. After our session it really took time for my soul to actually integrate the messages and implement your guidance. Now that I’ve implemented this understanding HOLY SHIT! In the last week and a half I only posted twice and I got an organic reach of over 3 million!  I wanted to say you truly have such a gift. You have activated me on such a deep level (beyond what my human self was ready for). I’m so thankful for you and in awe of the way you see the story behind the chart. Having that one off session catapulted my growth and that stagnation I was feeling is no longer a thing. I’m now BOOKED OUT just being myself. Thank you so much Kiara.

P H I – D A N G –  H U M A N D E S I G N  L I F E   C O A C H 


I absolutely loved the intensive with Kiara! It was clear Kiara put a lot of time, effort, and thought into our session before we met. Having a reading based on my human design and gene keys as applied to business with an expert marketer really helped me to trust my intuition and next steps in my business. One of the biggest breakthroughs I had was around messaging my core identity in my business as a brand – which is a priceless insight. I’ll definitely be rewatching the recording for more insights! Thank you for everything, Kiara! 😊

D A N A – L A W Y E R 


Kiara, I can’t thank you enough for how much all the information you’ve given me is landing and dropping in! All the gaps that were stopping me showing up are now being filled and my process, who she is and what she really needs are all becoming so clear. It feels amazing. Now I have so much content I want to share again that feels deeply aligned with my own process and experience and so much is becoming clear about what my customers are going through too. I feel so confident again about who I am, what I’m here to say, how I’m going to deliver it and most importantly what my medicine is.

Your work is a true gift for soulpreneurs who have something really important to share with the world. You clearly put so much effort into our session and brought with you a wealth of knowledge, years of experience and so much compassion and understanding to my own unique experience. Thank you! I’m so glad I booked with you, especially as I’ve spent a tonne of money on coaching that didn’t come close to the clarity you helped me come to. And the best thing is that the breakthroughs still keep coming after the session. You are an Angel, thank you xx

R O Z  –  R E L A T I O N S H I P  C O A C H


Before my session with Kiara I was feeling blocked and unsure about my content, my general approach to my business and my presence on social media. I was getting overwhelmed by all of the advice I saw online, and none of it felt right for me! Kiara made me feel at ease by highlighting the presence of my natural intuition as a gift in my chart. She helped me to take a step back from the noise, and gave me the support I needed to listen to myself and trust my intuition to pave the way for my business.

K A T H R Y N  –  K I N E S I O L O G I S T 


I personally use the tropical human design system as ‘standard’ because I’ve found this to be the most resonant with majority of clients. However, if you have a preference for sidereal instead, please let me know and I can use that chart instead for this experience. I’m not attached to either and believe in using whichever variation feels most aligned with you. 

In this offering, we take a look at your personal human design chart as this is where your unique medicine and gifts come from, with a specific focus on the incarnation gates, pearl gates and channels that specifically influence your attraction in business. The variables and cognition are not included in this exploratory. The business chart and combination chart is more advanced and is not covered in this particular offering.

This offering is for business owners whose personal energetics impacts their business (ie. coach, health and wellness practitioner, intuitive, network marketer, business professional, content creator or influencer).

This offering is also suited to product-based brands with founders who are involved in their brand and marketing. ie. I’ve worked with many product based business founders whose products (apothecary owners, skin care brands, lifestyle brands) that are an expression of their medicine.

This offering is not a fit for companies who have no human expression.

Yes, I am based in Australia (Australian Eastern Standard Time) and work with clients all across the globe online. Usually that’s afternoons and evenings for US based clients, early mornings for Europe. Please check my calendar for available timings. 

I’m currently in the 7th year of my experiment and as a 3/5 line have learnt my fair share of mistakes and shadows when it comes to studying and engaging with the human design and gene keys systems (read about them in my blog post here ). I ultimately believe in using both of these systems as experimental tools to help ourselves let go of what’s no longer resonant with us, contemplate our most aligned ways of doing and being and ultimately deepening our connection to our own inner authority. In this experience, the magic isn’t in the ‘human design’ it’s in how I use the system as gateways for guiding you to discover your soulpreneur medicine.

I have Bachelor of Business and 14 years experience in marketing and growing brands including start-ups, large 7-9 figure brands, and solopreneur businesses. I have a broad range of marketing knowledge including social media, paid and organic growth, community development, content strategy, campaign development, email, web, seo/sem, influencers, ambassador partnerships, brand outreach and sponsorships. I also have deep new business development experience in offer creation or new product development, market research, branding, messaging and copywriting.

On the energetic side of things I have seven years of human design and gene keys study from a variety of sources including Ra’s original lectures, professional Level 1-3 human design training, studies with Gene Keys along with the most useful of them all – real life personal experimentation. I also hold Holy Fire Level 3 Reiki, Usui Level 1 & 2 Reiki, Psych-K Facilitation certification.