1:1 next level immersion

A next-level VIP 1:1 immersion for 6-7+ figure business owners

the energy marketing™

Discover how you are uniquely designed to market your business in alignment to your human design.

You’re a Successful Business Owner Making Big Waves but…
honouring your own energetic blueprint hasn’t exactly been at the top of your big to-do list

You’ve heard amazing things about human design on the grapevine but are confused about what it all actually means for you (and your business). You honestly don’t have much time to journey deep down the Human Design rabbit hole or spend a few months in a certification…you want a quick one on one immersion to discover why you’re really here (on earth that is!) and how you’re here to be in business. 

You’re great at holding space for clients, customers and team members and keeping biz things as smooth as can be but deep down the bitterness or frustration is rising (and maybe it’s even impacting your personal life?). You want to breakthrough the energetic stagnancy and receive some intuitive, practical and strategic guidance on what in your business life need’s letting go and the shifts you can start making to honour your energy for greater ease, soul fulfillment and energetic sustainability. 

Following the status quo of your industry has served you well so far but you’re tired of playing by the rules and want to experiment with doing things the way you were uniquely designed to. You’re ready to follow your own soul’s path of success instead of keeping your eyes on your ‘competitors’. You know your success would feel so much sweeter if you did it *your* way.

There is a big difference between external success and an inner success   he only thing holding you back from growing a successful soul-nourishing business is understanding how t0
You’re Ready To Let Go Of The Status Quo For Good
and recalibrate your business (and life) in greater alignment with your human design where…

You’ve quit the confusion, reached a higher level of understanding of your human design as a whole and have a roadmap for living, breathing and embodying your human design as a business owner. You’re self awareness has sky-rocketed, you’ve started saying ‘no’ to things not aligned to you and you can journey through business and life with an understanding of how to leverage your superpowers for even greater internal and external success. 

You’re at peace with the de-conditioning process and. You want to breakthrough the energetic stagnancy and receive some intuitive, practical and strategic guidance on what in your business life need’s letting go and the shifts you can start making to honour your energy for greater ease, soul fulfillment and energetic sustainability. 

Following the business rules is a thing of the past and you’ve turned up the voltage of your natural magnetism. You’ve got crystal clarity on how you can practically bring to life your divine gifts to attract more clients or customers with ease, increase your sales and actually enjoy the day to day journey more than your next destination. 


Quit the confusion and finally understand what your human design chart means when it comes to marketing your business- not only your energy type but your profile, centers, channels and incarnation gates too.

Stop blending in online and turn up the voltage of your natural magnetism by understanding how you can practically bring to life your divine gifts to attract clients or customers with ease.

Heal from a case of comparisonitis and feel calm, clear and deeply confident in following your own soul’s strategy for marketing success to start, grow or scale your business * your * way.


the energy marketing™

Cut through the confusion and discover how your human design is here to market and turn your soul’s work into sales.

The hidden truth is you were encoded with a unique mission, message and magic as you entered this world. Provided with divine gifts and natural strengths you are here to infuse into your business. Gifted with an energetic blueprint that reveals how you are uniquely designed to market and attract clients or customers with ease, alignment and true efficiency. An Energy Marketing™ Session is your invitation to break-free from confusion and overwhelm, and gain clarity on what your human design actually means when it comes to marketing your business. 

✓  Your Marketing Superpowers and Blindspots– The unique strengths you can leverage as a soulpreneur when marketing and growing your business as well as potential blindspots to be mindful of. This looks at the energy type and strategy in your human design chart and how to apply it to your marketing.

✓  Your Soulpreneur GPS- How you are uniquely designed to make decisions in your marketing and business. This looks at the authority in your human design chart.

✓  Your Soulpreneur Profile-How you are designed to show up as a soulpreneur and play in the marketing dimension. This looks at the profile in your human design chart and how to apply it to your marketing.

✓  Your Soulpreneur Centers- How you are naturally designed to exchange energy with your clients or customers, as well as opportunities in business. This looks at the centers in your human design chart.

✓  Your Divine Channels- The unique gifts you are here to infuse into the way you grow your business. This looks at the defined channels in your chart. 

✓  Your Incarnation Gifts- The incarnation energy within you as a soulpreneur that you are designed to infuse into your marketing and business. This looks at the incarnation gates in your human design chart and a consideration of how to integrate them into your marketing and business.

#01 /
You meet over Zoom and get your aura pierced by a Projector and Marketing Expert with 13+ years world class experience growing multi-million dollar businesses! You’ll feel deeply seen as we laser focus on your business situation and gain crystal clear clarity on what’s blocking you from attracting a consistent flow of clients or customers or what needs optimizing to smash that sales ceiling and quantum jump to that next level in business.
#02 /

We’ll peer into the foundational elements of your Human Design chart including your energy type, strategy, authority, profile, centers, defined channels and incarnation cross. You’ll receive custom guidance on what they mean in the context of marketing and tips on how you can holistically and practically apply them to your marketing. * Please note, we do not go into planets, gates, transits during this session.

#03 /
You will walk away with key strategic marketing recommendations on what steps you can take or implement right away to activate your marketing magnetism. You will have moved from “I don’t know how to practically leverage this human design information” to having clarity and a clear action plan to align your business to your human design to attract sales in an effective, aligned and easeful way. Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all approaches and hello to doing business * your * way.

“I’ve never felt so seen in my business journey”


Service based providers such as a coach, healer, health practitioner, creative or a product based business (physical or digital) in the realm of health, spirituality or wellness looking to run a business in alignment to their energetic blueprint.

New or aspiring soulpreneurs who are not attracting a consistent flow of clients or customers into their business and require support in developing an energetically aligned marketing plan to hit their sales goals.

Existing soulpreneurs who already have a working marketing strategy in place but are feeling out of energetic alignment and want to scale to the next level in greater resonance with their human design.


Alignment & intentions questionnaire including your birth details (including exact time) and location so I can review your human design chart in preparation.

Up to 75 minute one-one-one session on Zoom where we’ll identify how you can apply your unique energetic blueprint (human design) to your business.

Strategic high level marketing recommendations from a Marketing Strategist and Business Guide with over a decade of best practice experience.

Audio recording of your session to revisit whenever you like.

using human design in business

Meet your guide
Kiara Maree

Kiara Maree is a Marketing Strategist and Business Guide with over a decade’s worth of wisdom growing multi-million dollar brands in the marketing industry; with first class  experience in product development, branding, messaging, social media marketing, online marketing and PR. 

Infusing this wisdom with her passion and life’s experience with human design as a Projector 3/5 with a Cross of Planning, she has supported many soulpreneurs to awaken their magnetism and supercharge their sales in alignment to their energetic blueprint. 


$888 USD 

I invite you to tune into your intuition and human design authority to make a decision. Emotional authority? See how you feel over the next three days (70% is a yes). Splenic authority? Notice your present instinct. Lunar authority? Wait 28 days. Mental authority? Sound board with a trusted biz bestie. Common FAQ are noted below. Please note, it is possible to claim this as a business expense under marketing or education for tax purposes (check with your local laws).

Working with Kiara was a really wonderful and informative experience. Kiara’s guidance gave me clarity on my business as a whole but also tangible next steps which I could immediately implement. I felt like I got to know myself better, especially in the ways that work best for me in my business, giving insight with specific marketing strategies that would work well according to my soul blueprint and assurance in letting go of the strategies that feel less aligned and wouldn’t serve me as well. I really appreciated the instant insights I received and I liked that it wasn’t a super long process for me to gain guidance. I would really recommend working with Kiara in this way if you are feeling stuck or need guidance and clarity in your business and in ways of working that serve you in the best way.
Reiki Master
My session with Kiara was full of knowledge, wisdom, compassion and care. I felt truly listened to and supported by Kiara as she learned more about me and my business situation. She offered practical steps and actions I can take and incorporate into my business to be running my business from a place of complete authenticity and flow for my human design as a Generator. I recommend 100% setting up a call with Kiara!
Network Marketer
Having a session with Kiara was like a breath of fresh air. She pointed out a few very important strategies where I might leak my energy. She also helped me see my uniqueness as a Projector! Highly recommend anyone having a session for anyone wanting to know more about how they can apply their human design into business so they can feel more ease and flow. Thank you so much!
embodiment coach
If you are looking for clarity & guidance in your business, do yourself a favor and reach out to Kiara. She helped me dial down & simplify all of my services and offerings. I have so many interests and talents and Kiara helped me identify the most crucial, interesting & soul-fulfilling marketing & business plan. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
spiritual guide
Before working with Kiara I felt confused, frustrated and overwhelmed. I had no idea what the missing link was in my business and was on the verge of burnout. Meeting with Kiara felt angelic and divine, she has a gift for looking at your business and helping you understand what that missing link is and how to fix it! She answered my questions thoroughly and gave me personalized suggestions for how to market my business and offerings in a way that feels so much more aligned and refreshing - I finally feel I have what I need to truly create material flow.
re-parenting guide
Kiara Maree is very professional, kind and intuitive. Our strategy sessions was great as I felt like she really saw and understood my brand and business. She helped collaborate with me on a marketing strategy that would work best for me personally, which was extremely helpful. We went deep into what was working and what wasn't working. I have so many tools to implement and create now that I would have struggled to figure out on my own (if if ever did!).
Life Coach
Kiara Maree was amazing to work with! She has a lovely, gentle energy. Her knowledge is extensive and she is clearly passionate about supporting women and giving them a voice that can be heard loudly in the ocean of businesses. She is very intuitive and also allows you to express your truth without question, she honours your truth and assists you to express it in harmony with yourself and your business. I am so grateful to Kiara for everything and I can’t recommend her services highly enough.


I feel lit up helping businesses in the holistic health, wellness and personal growth industries as they are the stewards of the New Earth! This includes coaches, healers, health practitioners, creatives as well as lifestyle and spiritual brands. I have 13+ years marketing experience in this space growing service based start-ups as well as 6-9 figure product based businesses (physical and digital).

This means I am well versed at supporting soulpreneurs at many stages in their business journey. 

  • Existing soulpreneurs who are not yet hitting the consistent 10k month mark in their business and need more support in optimising and re-aligning their marketing.
  • Existing soulpreneurs who may be hitting their sales goals but are feeling depleted and out of alignment. They desire support in energetically aligning their marketing to their human design for greater ease and effectiveness or pivoting their existing business.
  • Aspiring soulpreneurs who want guidance in bringing a new business to life. This includes those who already have a good idea of your unique magic (ie. you have a skill, certification, passion and have a rough idea on how you want to serve others). This session is not designed for those want a business but have no idea of what they want to do.

I have Bachelor of Business and 12 years experience in marketing and growing businesses including start-ups, large 7-9 figure brands, and solopreneur businesses. I have a broad range of marketing knowledge including social media, paid and organic growth, community development, content strategy, campaign development, email, web, seo/sem, influencers, ambassador partnerships, brand outreach and sponsorships. I also have deep business development experience in offer creation or new product development, market research, branding, messaging and copywriting.

I am a highly experienced Marketing Strategist and Business Guide. It is important to differentiate here that I am not a “coach” in the respect that I am not here to pull your own answers outside of you. Most of the clients I work with have limited marketing and business experience and need expert support in this area. I do not get into heavy mindset, trauma or emotional therapy territory in the session.

As part of the Energy Marketing™ modality, human design is used as a tool to uncover your unique energetic blueprint (your divine operating manual). In the session we will cover the most important human design elements in relation to your business and marketing; including your energy type, strategy, authority, profile, centers, defined channels and incarnation gates.

I am nearly five years into my own human design experiment which has been life changing for me (hence why I infuse it into my work!) and have undertaken training to read human design charts.  The focus is on application and embodiment in the context of business and marketing.

Please note, whilst I do tap into my intuition, I am not an energy healer nor can I visibly “see” your energy or aura.

I do not offer free discovery calls for The Energy Marketing session, my entry level offer. I recommend downloading my free bundle or consuming my free content to get a taste of what it’s like to work with me. 

If you would like delve deeper into the Energy Marketing™ modality after our session and receive ongoing support, I invite you to look into my longer term programs on my Work with Me page.


You’re a successful soulpreneur who is making a big impact

but honouring your own energy along this path hasn’t exactly been smooth sailing…

  • You’re amazing at holding space for others but 
  • You’re achieving amazing things but 
  • You’re tired of doing the same old things and following the same old rules as every player in your industry
  • You have heard the amazing things about human design but have no clue how to actually apply it to business 

marketing your business doesn’t need to be overwhelming, overly time consuming or one-size-fits-all.

It is entirely possible without

are you are ready to rebirth your business

and surrender to your own soul’s marketing plan written within you? 

Let’s timeline hop into your parallel reality…

You’ve got a signature offer suite designed around your uniqueness plus magnetic messaging that’s calling in high resonance customers.

You’re feeling lighter from releasing all that didn’t honour your unique design in business! Not only are you owning your uniqueness online but you feel just as confident selling your offers as serving them. Your messaging is as clear as a quartz crystal and you’re calling in higher calibre customer who see, appreciate and pay you well.

You’ve implemented an energetically aligned marketing strategy custom designed to grow your audience, build community & land more sales *your* way.
Confusion is a thing of the past because you’ve become a marketing magician with a sustainable strategy that’s not only working for your business, but your personal life too. You know that your energy is your strategy and having these structures set has cracked wide open your creative channels and allowed you to surrender to your feminine flow even more within and outside your business.
You’re finally living & breathing your human design in business & marketing has become the ultimate medicine for your self-expression.

You’re forever healed from a case of biz comparisonitis because you’re playing in your own league. Not only do you feel confident marketing, but it’s become a direct portal for you to own your personal power and express your truest self. You know exactly how your human design serves you practically and energetically and you’ve never felt so embodied in your business experiment.

A 12 week one-on-one metamorphosis for rising soulpreneurs

Marketing by Design is a one-on-one 12 week consulting and guidance program for soulpreneurs who are ready to design and market their business — in alignment with their energetic blueprint. A strategic and energetic metamorphosis to design high potency offers, clarify your messaging and create and implement a marketing and sales attraction strategy that leverages your human design.

Designed for the rising soulpreneur who feels out of alignment with their business, isn’t experiencing a consistent incoming flow of high resonance customers and desires expert support from a 13+ year Marketing Strategist and Business Guide to set the energetically sustainable foundations required to journey towards growing a six figure business by design.

(re)Design your business offerings & messaging

In the first month of the program we will (re) design your business in alignment to your human design. We’ll get to know your high resonance customers, create or refine high potency offers and develop offer messaging that communicates the true depth of your uniqueness. Having these aligned business foundations set from the get-go means your marketing can work it’s magic.

create & implement a marketing strategy by design

We will co-create a marketing strategy or set of visibility, brand, content engagement, and sales conversion strategies in alignment to your energetic blueprint. You’ll create any marketing assets and implement in real time with my guidance. Sure it’ll take ‘work’ but once these masculine structures are up, your feminine spirit has space to come alive unlike ever before.

fire up your customer attraction by design

You’ll have me by your side as a guide as you take action in marketing your business in alignment to your human design. Here we’ll see the effects of our work together take form as your field opens up to magnetize the clients or customers who are a perfect fit for you. Here you will live and breathe a new paradigm of marketing and truly embody your design in business.

Go from attracting Low Resonance Clients or Customers who may look good on paper yes but aren’t a true energetic match for your magic. They make serving your soul’s work feel harder and more draining than you’d really like it to be.

Move towards attracting High Resonance Clients or Customers who are a perfect fit for all of your magic. They are deeply committed and are physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually ready to devote themselves to the full transformation with you. 

Go from having Low Potency Offer/s that sound “okay” but don’t communicate the real depth of the transformation or the full scope of your unique magic. They blend in with every other offer in your niche and leaves your DMs or sales call calendar half empty.

Move towards creating a signature High Potency Offer that puts your magic at the forefront. It’s crystal clear, communicates the true value of your work and calls in High Resonance Clients or Customers who want your magic right now, not later.

Go from having a lack-luster brand that has you constantly comparing yourself to others in your niche, wondering how you’ll ever stand out?! A brand that feels like it’s missing the real spirit that you know is within you.

Move towards showing up as your one-in-a-billion Energy Brand online. You know exactly why someone should choose you over someone else with a similar offer. You are a walking embodiment of your magic and playing in a league of your own. 

Go from having an ineffective, inefficient or one-size-fits-all marketing attraction plan (or no plan!) that doesn’t honour your human design and leaves you feeling bitter or frustrated. A strategy that results in stagnancy or inconsistent attraction of clients or customers to your offers.

Move towards creating and implementing a custom-created marketing attraction strategy aligned to your human design. A marketing plan designed to fire up your attraction and leads to a predictable and consistent flow of High Resonance Clients or Customers to your offers.

Go from spending hours creating and posting low-impact content on social media that doesn’t actually translate to real sales. You either don’t know what to really say, or worse, you’re audience tells you you’re “so inspirational” (not always a great thing if doesn’t move the needle in your business!).

Move towards creating consciousness-raising content using my signature HD customizable Energy Marketing Content Framework that is energetically wired to change behaviour for their highest good. Content that pierces their soul, not just their mind; and leads them to taking action on their dreams…fast.

Go from having either no sales process or following the standard sales scripts that leave you feeling like a sleazy car salesman. There’s a reason why “lead trackers” feel so soul-less or creating standard freebies like everyone-else doesn’t honour your design. 

Move towards having a high impact, low pressure sales journey that feels just as soul nourishing as serving your soul’s work and is in 100% alignment with your human design. A predictable, consistent way to nourish your community and overcome the barriers holding them back from saying “yes” to their higher self. 

Go from logically “knowing” your human design information and being stuck in a rabbit whole of information. Without any awareness of “how” to actually relate it to business and marketing or how to use your business human design chart. 

Move towards integrating and embodying your human design in business with a clear idea on how to infuse your energy type, strategy, authority, profile, channels and incarnation gates into all aspects of marketing, selling and growing your business. 

A deeper look at the 12 week marketing metamorphosis…

the soulpreneur blueprint
You will be activated into your dimension of business — where your soul takes the lead & your energetic blueprint provides the ‘how’
Elevate into a quiet oasis free from the noise of the old business paradigm where you can purify your energetic field of “rules” that no longer serve your soul’s or business’ evolution. Here you will let your true design take flight.
  • Develop a deep and holistic understanding of your personal human design chart and what it means in the context of marketing and business- including your energy type, authority, profile, channels and incarnation gates to your business.
  • Develop an understanding of your personal gene keys activation sequence and pearl sequence to deepen your awareness of the shadow, gift and siddhi frequencies present within your energetic blueprint.
THE CUSTOMER — by design.
Let the traditional “ideal client” template disintegrate and define the High Resonance Clients designed only for you.

Step away from attracting Low Resonance clients or customers who are not “ready” and laser focus on those deeply committed souls who cannot wait to experience your magic. Here we will laser focus on understanding the receiver of your soulpreneur magic to depths never uncovered before. 

  • Receive a Projector’s eyes on the superpowers of you and those who seek your magic- together we will laser focus on a Field no one can compete with.
  • We dive into your human design chart to identify who you are naturally designed to attract in business.
  • Define your High Resonance Client or Customer and understand the true transformation they are really seeking and what’s getting in their way. Dive into the unseen field of their multi-dimensional nature to truly understand what it is their soul craves.
THE offering — by design.
re-design or create new energetically aligned business offers & craft messaging that communicates the real depth of your magic.

One of the main reasons I see soulpreneurs experience energetic dissonance when it comes to their business is their services or products are not a true reflection of their uniqueness. They sound the same as everyone in their niche and aren’t developed in a way that honours their human design.

  • As a Projector with a Cross of Planning, one of my gifts is to make sense of a lot of information— including you, your business, your customers and perhaps the many methodologies you use — and then support you to channel your magic into a clear Signature offer or set of offers designed perfectly for you.
  • We will audit any existing offers and refine for greater alignment or create new offerings (ie. 1:1 packages, group programs, online courses, memberships) to support your next level of growth. (*capped at 3 offers maximum, any further review quoted separately). 
  • Develop crystal clear offer messaging that speaks directly to your High Resonance Clients or Customers and create any offer assets like sales pages to be utilised as part of your marketing and sales strategy.
THE brand — by design.

Elevate beyond the basics of logos, brand values and step into your most energetically aligned and unreplicable *one-in-a-billion* multi-dimensional brand.

Here we peer into the seen and unseen realms to identify how you and your business desires to express themselves on the marketing stage. We will take your brand from drowning in a sea of online noise to unapologetically owning it’s space and being the no. 1 go-to option for your clients or customers.

  • Gain access to the Energy Branding Framework to activate your brand and elevate your brand positioning in alignment with your energetic blueprint.
  • Refine your brand messaging to express the strategic and energetic elements of your brand that you can reuse over and over again in your content marketing and brand engagements. 
THE marketing STRATEGY  — by design.

create and implement an energetically aligned marketing ATTRACTION strategy to get your soul’s work seen by the right people

Say goodbye to the one-size-fits-all approaches and hello to growing visibility, expanding your audience and nurturing your community by design. Every single client has never had the same strategy.
  • Together we co-create your custom Marketing Strategy for marketing visibility, engagement, conversion, sales and advocacy for each offer and brand — in complete alignment to your human design.
  • You create any marketing assets with my support that are required to implement this strategy such as email sequences, attunement tools (aka. lead magnets), etc.
  • We map out your marketing intentions and plan with organic tactics for the next quarter— so you can direct your energy where it’s most aligned. If you like structure, we’ll make it planned and if you like a more  intuitive approach, we’ll honour that too. 


Here’s the thing: following the IG leader’s advice like share “inspirational posts” or “be educational” doesn’t actually honour your magic if it doesn’t lead to lives *actually* changed. 

  • Learn how to create Energy Marketing Content that empowers your High Resonance Customers to take the lead. Content that supports their ego and also empowers their higher self to step into their desired reality.
  • Together we map out your Content by Design strategy to connect with your High Resonance Clients by leveraging your human design superpowers. We’ll look at the finer communication elements of your chart and bring them to life via your content marketing.
THE sales journey — by design.

create the strategic and energetic pathway to attract sales with ease, effectiveness and deep soul fulfillment, sleaze not included.

Does selling make you feel uncomfortable? Well…we will bust through that block A.S.A.P because within this dimension sales becomes deeply sacred. A chance to deeply connect and serve your people unlike ever before.
  • Create a simple and aligned sales journey that invites your High Resonance followers to say yes to their higher selves and become clients or customers only if they are ready. served sacredly *without* an ounce of sleaze.
  • Learn how to integrate your human design chart in the sales process for more effectiveness and energetic alignment for you and your clients or customers. 
i want you to know…

this isn’t just a business program that will help you market in alignment with your human design.

it’s an energetic homecoming and metamorphosis here to shift the way you experience yourself in business.

A portal for Projectors to attract an overflow of invitations by leveraging the true depth of their aura. Where they are deeply seen and recognized for their soul’s work without initiating or overdoing.

A portal for Generators to attract sales by leveraging their expansive energy. Where marketing becomes a portal for embodying the passion they have for their soul’s work. 

A portal for Manifesting Generators market their business with fluidity and not an ounce of restriction. Where sharing their soul’s work feels good and is also crystal clear for others.

A portal for Manifestors to leverage their powerful energy and trailblaze a pathway that’s never been paved before. Where marketing and attracting sales becomes a vehicle to impact others deeply.

A portal for Reflectors to honour their sensitivity and attract sales by leveraging the wisdom that’s stored in their soul. Where marketing becomes a mirror for what their audience is here to know.

want to journey in partnership to your next level in business?

Let’s see if we’re an energetic match…


My decade long corporate experience growing 7-9 figure brands gifted me with deep strategic mastery in a wide range of marketing and sales areas including brand strategy, new product development, online marketing, paid advertising, organic social media, influencers & PR, launch events & campaigns, sales training, and developing high-performing marketing and sales teams. You’re not looking for a coach to solely work on your mindset, but an expert who can offer you insights to support your next uplevel in business.

you value energetic alignment & enjoying the journey, over scaling to six figures as fast as you possibly can.

I work best with those who value soul alignment first, believe in simplicity and spaciousness,  desire to grow a business that honours their lifestyle and are open to being in a collaborative partnership. I’m not the right fit for those who want to rush the alignment process, and want to make as much money as fast as they can whilst sacrificing their health and values.

you’re not looking for a human design teacher, you’re looking for a BUSINESS GUIDE who can help you integrate & embody it in biz.

Whilst I’ve spent six years studying human design, my genius as a 3/5 profile lies in helping you practically integrate and energetically embody your human design  in business and marketing.  This is not the container for you if your main goal is learning more about your human design (although that’s a side effect) , it’s the container if you want to start integrating, experimenting, living and breathing your human design in business. 

you want to find harmony between the practical strategy & unseen energetics in marketing and business.

You’re seeking support from someone who honours both practical strategy (masculine energetics) and the unseen (feminine energetics) in business. You’re either an intuitive feminine spirit who wants to set up the foundations to honour your flow, or a logical/masculine type of person who wants to bring in more play, fun and energetic alignment in your business.

What is contained within this portal:

12 weeks of 1:1 energy marketing consulting expertise

Receive strategic recommendations from a Marketing Strategist and Consultant with 13+ years world class experience in a range of business and marketing areas including product or service development, brand development, customer research, positioning and messaging development, marketing and sales strategy, social media, email marketing and more. * Does not include done for you services.

12 weeks of 1:1 human design energetic business guidance

Have a Projectors eye’s on you, your marketing and your business with a holistic lense of your human design and gene keys (activation and pearl sequence). As we move through the program, I guide you to ensure that all strategic decisions, marketing implementation and the personal energetics behind all actions are in alignment to your personal energy type, strategy, authority, profile, centers, channels, and incarnation gates.

bi-weekly 1:1 live video calls with kiara maree

We meet each fortnight (bi-weekly) in a 60min Zoom video call to uplevel all elements of your business and marketing in alignment to your human design. Each call will differ based on where you are at however they will likely touch on the topics outlined in the program journey noted above. A space for strategy creation or refinement, co-creating and collaborating one-on-one. (6 total). 

access to bi-weekly MATERIAL REVIEWs by kiara maree

Want a Marketing Expert’s eyes on your worksheets, sales pages, offer messaging, social media content and everything we create during the program? You’ll be creating many new marketing assets throughout the program and you’ll have a chance to get your creations seen and reviewed for expert feedback as you implement and execute throughout the program . Material reviews occur bi-weekly in your integration non-call weeks.

Custom-crafted soulpreneur energetic blueprint guide

Receive a custom crafted 50+ page human design guide on your energy type, authority, profile, centers, defined channels and incarnation gates and gene key activation and pearl gates. This is an energetic bible you can refer back to daily, forever. Kiara Maree keeps this on hand throughout the entire 12 weeks to ensure all decisions, strategy, integration or implementation is aligned to your unique design.

access to training and resources vault
Get exclusive access to the Energy Marketing™ modality and a vault of strategic worksheets, masterclasses and practical templates to help you market your business. These are here to support you outside of our calls with deeper strategy, foundations, and implementation. This is my 13+ years of wisdom collapsed into only the essential, needle moving elements to grow your business – not just during the program- but forever.
access to kiara maree via voice + text messaging
Remain seen, guided and deeply supported as you take action, implement and execute. A great way to ask questions outside of calls. Receive direct access to Kiara Maree via voice note and text messaging three days a week throughout the length of the program.
client portal for self-accountability

Stay organised and track progress in real time via your own client Trello portal. This is where we will map out your action items to keep you self accountable throughout the program. 

energetic rituals & meditations

Super-charging your marketing magnetism requires energetic integration. Get access to meditations crafted by Kiara Maree, including a reiki-infused Daily Aura Ritual to cleanse and protect your energetic field each day throughout the twelve week journey and a range of energetic rituals to deepen your energetic business integration.

All the resources you’ll gain access to:

Masterclasses & Trainings
Strategic Workbooks

Marketing Guides


Energetic Rituals

✔ daily CLEANSE YOUR AURA ritual

Designed for the RISING soulpreneur…

For early-stage and established business owners, lightworkers and paradigm shifters who desire to (re)design their offerings & implement a marketing and sales strategy in alignment with their energetic blueprint to journey towards growing a six-figure business by design.
‘marketing by design’ is attuned for you if…
    • You are a soulpreneur in the health, wellness, spiritual and lifestyle industries. For you, business is not just a portal to get paid doing what you love, but a deeper soul mission to express yourself, impact others and play a contributing role in increasing the frequency of the planet. You may be a coach, consultant, healer, practitioner, or have a digital or physical product based business where you are a part of your brand. 
    • You are an early stage, pivoting or established soulpreneur who is attracting some customers and has experience providing customer transformations, yet does not have the marketing strategies or offer suite in place to welcome in consistent 10-20k months in business. You are great at what you do but lack an efficient, effective and energetically aligned marketing strategy that increases your visibility, social engagement, nurtures your community and conversion to sales for your existing offers. Creating offers, marketing, communication, branding or sales isn’t your zone of genius so you’re seeking consulting support in this area. 
    • You desire to grow your business in alignment to your human design. You want all the business and marketing elements to be aligned to your energy type, authority, strategy, profile, centers, channels, and incarnation gates. You are ready to experiment and embody your design daily in business. 
    • You desire to be supported in one-on-one capacity with someone who sees you deeper than you see yourself. Your heart knows surface-level courses or to be a number in a one-to-many group program does not serve what your human self and soul desires at this pivotal moment in your business journey.
    • You have energetic and time availability to commit to at least 4-5+ hours of implementation time outside of calls per week if you are an existing soulpreneur, and possibly more if you are a birthing a new offer to life. You know creating, developing and implementing the business and marketing foundations requires real upfront work and you will prioritise the time aside for it. 
‘marketing by design’ is not attuned for you if…
  • You are a soulpreneur who is not within the health, wellness, spiritual and personal lifestyle industries. Your offers don’t provide any form of deeper transformation (physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually) to your clients or customers. 
  • You are an aspiring soulpreneur who has not yet started their business and has no offline or online experience working or serving customers. This program is designed for those who have a basic idea of what they’re here to do in the world, have foundational experience serving customers, and don’t require the foundational business support like tech, contracts, starting a website or social media account, etc. 
  • You are an established soulpreneur who has surpassed the multi-six-figure 200k+ mark, requires no offer refinement or marketing strategy development or re-alignment. This journey is not designed for those who already have working marketing strategies implemented,  are attracting a consistent flow of high resonance customers and are hitting your sales goals with absolute ease.  This journey is a death and rebirth portal and takes into account creation and implementation time of new strategies. 
  • You want to learn the technical mechanics behind human design and gene keys. This program is not designed to teach you the human design system. It’s here to support you in applying and integrating your human design in business (although learning is a side effect it is not the main goal of the program).
  • You want to replicate my business strategy onto your own business.  I do not teach you the step by step strategies on what I did to grow my own multi-six figure business or help you replicate what I’ve created. This container is for those who want to be guided back to their own uniqueness in business.

I thought I was entering a program to strengthen my marketing…what I got was a massive energetic upgrade which I totally didn’t expect and has blown my mind! Kiara is a super sharp and tuned-in strategist that combines solid expertise with higher-level guidance for soulpreneurs to profoundly step into their next level. I absolutely loved diving deeper into the human design rabbit hole and taking my brand and marketing alignment to the next level in a very tangible way. Lot’s of concrete implementation (rebrand, tweaking offers, new social media, sales pages, etc). Never had imagined I would go through such a profound energetic timeline shift and have higher prices already being sold to premium clients with ease. I’m so glad we got to work together and look forward to continuing this journey. If you feel the pull, step into this profound experience.

A L I X –   B U S I N E S S   C O A C H


3 months ago I felt all over the place with my business and marketing. I constantly felt like I had to be everywhere, do everything and follow everyone’s advice. It felt draining and over time I came to resent the marketing side of my business. During the Marketing by Design program Kiara helped me in linking my business with my design and linking my marketing with my strengths. It felt like I finally could let go of all the ‘shoulds’ in business and embrace my gifts and strengths in full. I felt extremely supported and seen, guided by someone who was fully present with me. Now that I’ve journeyed to the end of the program,  I have an extremely aligned marketing strategy in place that is more easily and effortlessly connecting me to my soul clients and helping me create a bigger impact. I now have consistent calls with clients, which used to be very inconsistent and am showing up online in my full HD power! I highly recommend taking this opportunity to work with Kiara in her program, it is incredible!

Y U L I A  –   M O N E Y   S T R A T E G I S T


I came into Kiara’s world at a time I was really confused about what I was meant to be offering and communicating. I had just dropped a few thousand on working with another business coach and felt like I was squeezing myself into a niche simply because it was more mainstream, but didn’t love my offers or have a clear idea as to how to market myself! The Marketing by Design program has been one of the most transformational marketing programs I’ve ever done and I absolutely adored working with Kiara. It is very well thought out and has loads of supportive resources that help guide you through the program. We repositioned my offer in alignment to my Channel of Initiation and incarnation gifts, and  communicated it clearly in my content. I loved that everything was aligned to my HD and I felt more confident in myself, and in touch with the heart of my business. Kiara clearly knows her stuff and it was great to have 3 months support from someone that really believed in me and my work! 

C H A R L O T T E   –   A N X I E T Y  C O A C H

the greatest investment is you
and your soul’s work
>>>   AN INVESTMENT IN setting up energetically sustainable biz foundations for the long-term.

The business work and marketing strategies implemented within the program, and consistently executed beyond the completion of the program, are designed to lead you towards reaching a successful six-figure+ business by human design. 


In-depth, hands on one-on-one consulting guidance and support for 12 weeks in alignment to your human design. Something that could never be replicated in a group program or online course! A once-in-a-lifetime partnership. 

>>>   A SERIOUS COMMITMENT TO expanding YOUR soul’s work in the world.

No one is going to fulfill your soul mission or get your soul’s work out into the world but you. The question is- is this the life where you devote yourself to rising above your fears and past conditioning, and allowing your light to shine brighter than ever before?


Secure your place with a deposit of
Followed by $9376USD Paid in Full OR
3 x monthly payments of $3126USD

Note, this investment can be written off as a marketing expense and should be tax deductible (check with your local laws). 

HOW TO APPLY for sept 2022 intake?

The next intake of Marketing by Design 1:1 12 week program is planned to commence on the 7th / 14th of September and runs until early December. Due to the one-on-one nature of the program limited placements are available and an application process applies, outlined below.

A free one hour Marketing by Design attunement class to audit your aura, discover the 3 marketing blocks from turning your soul’s work into a six figure business and discover the 6 ingredients my clients use to supercharge their marketing their way.
1. fill out the application form
When applications are open you will be guided to fill out an Application questionnaire where I ask a few questions about you and your current state of business. The answers help me understand whether you may be an aligned fit at a high level.
2. connection COMPATIBILITY calL
Applicants may be selected to attend a connection call with the intention of supporting us both to confirm whether the program is the right fit and whether we are an energetic match to work together.
Those who decide to join the program will be sent a client agreement via email and asked to make a 15% non-refundable deposit within 48 hours to lock in your 1:1 placement for the program.


When applications are open, you will be guided to fill out an Application questionnaire where I ask a few questions about you and your current state of business. The answers help me understand whether you may be an aligned fit at a high level. As this is my signature program with limited one-on-one spaces available, there has often been more applicants than spaces available.

Applicants may be selected to attend a connection call with the intention of supporting us both to confirm whether the program is the right fit and whether we are an energetic match to work together. 

Those who decide to join the program will be sent a client agreement via email and asked to make a 15% non-refundable deposit within 48 hours to secure your placement in the program.

As per information provided above, this program is best suited to those who already have some experience providing client or customer transformations and have a baseline level of confidence in the expertise or support they provide.

Unlike a lot of others in the business realm who tell you to “invest and act before you are ready” I invite you to make a decision that is for your highest good at this point in your journey. Yes, your ego will come up with the normal fears when committing to a high-level investments, but if you are genuinely not ready to commit energetically, financially, or physically I ask you to honour that. I trust that those ready for this experience will feel it on a soul level.

I invite you to follow your human design authority when making a decision whether or not to apply for the Marketing by Design program. Emotional authority? Wait a few days to ride the wave. Sacral authority? Tune into your gut. Splenic authority? You like already have a sense. Lunar authority? Give yourself enough time to tune into the decision.

I am based in Melbourne, Australia and work with clients all across the globe. I offer one-on-one calls on Wednesdays in the following alternating time slots:

  • Wednesday Mornings b/w 9am-1pm AEDT (suitable for US clients- Tues afternoon and evening)
  • Wednesday Evenings b/w 3pm-7pm AEDT (suitable for UK clients- Wed mornings)

I recommend this tool to check your time conversion. Exact timing of calls will confirmed based on time zones of all clients. 

When seeking support I believe it’s important to know what sort of support is the best fit for you. I offer both marketing consulting and business guidance in this program. 

A consultant is someone who provides recommendations or advice based on an area of expertise. As a Marketing consultant and strategist I provide marketing, branding, offer development and sales guidance to those who are not skilled or highly knowledgeable in these areas. I do not execute or do the work for you  (for example- I can provide guidance on messaging to include in a sales page and provide feedback in the biweekly reviews however do not offer done for you copywriting services).

I use a hybrid approach as a business guide. My approach is very collaborative and co-creative to ensure we’re custom designing a solution that’s going to honour you ( your human design, energetic workflow, level of planning or intuitive approach, etc). I’m not the “hand you a strategy and implement it” or “I’ll tell you exactly what to do” type of consultant but someone who can show you the options, offer you guidance based on your human design and supports you to choose your most aligned approach for you and your business. We walk side by side in partnership! I use your personal human design chart if you’re serving your own work, and the business human design chart if you’re a company without a personal brand. 

A coach is someone who focuses primarily on helping you achieve a goal through extracting your own answers and offering accountability. Whilst they may help you with your mindset they often do not have the decade’s worth of marketing experience to support you in the planning, strategizing, implementation. This program does not offer coaching support. 

A mentor is someone who offers guidance based on their personal experiences and will often teach you the strategies or approaches that worked for them. My advice is to make sure you channel any mentorship advice through your own system and remember they will have a different human design to you. This program does not offer mentorship support (although I can provide personal insight IF I have the same human design intricacy as you). 

If you are a simple product based business in the health, wellness, spiritual transformation industry whereby you are a part of your brand, for example – you are selling essential oils, skin-care products, etc then yes. We may focus on amplifying the energy of your business human design chart over your personal human design chart if you’re less of a personal brand. If you’re an e-commerce high volume product focused on facebook ads, I’d recommend working with a digital agency instead. 

I have Bachelor of Business and 13 years experience in marketing and growing businesses including start-ups, large 7-9 figure brands, and solopreneur businesses. I have a broad range of marketing knowledge including social media, paid and organic growth, community development, content strategy, campaign development, email, web, seo/sem, influencers, ambassador partnerships, brand outreach and sponsorships. I also have deep business development experience in offer creation or new product development, market research, branding, messaging and copywriting.

On the energetic side of things I have six years of human design and gene keys study, professional Level 1-3 human design training, Holy Fire Level 3 Reiki, Usui Level 1 & 2 Reiki, Psych-K Facilitation certification. 

Marketing by Design is a very hands on one-on-one program whereby I am very involved in my client’s messaging, sales pages, social media, content, and in the foundations of their business. I have found that due to the consulting nature of this program my work is most suited to those who market in my native language English.

This program is best suited for early-stage and established soulpreneurs who have some offline or online experience working or serving customers,  are attracting some clients already (inconsistently) yet don’t have the business or marketing strategy designed to attract consistent 10-20k months in alignment with their energetic blueprint.  This program is designed for those who have a basic idea of what they’re here to do in the world, and don’t require the foundational business support like tech, contracts, starting a website or social media account, etc.

If you’re brand new to business or offering something without any experience I recommend working with a wide range of beta clients first before applying to this program.  

This program is most suited to those budding and established soulpreneurs looking to scale to 10-20k months and don’t already have a working strategy implemented. The program has been set-up as a structured journey with strategy creation, development, implementation, guidance and execution time over a period of three months. 

If your focus is on scaling a company using paid media or Facebook ads, I’d suggest looking for a marketing agency instead (done for you copywriting, asset creation, metric analysis or human resource support is not provided in this container).

This program has been intentionally designed with long-term success in mind and created in a way to support you in creating and implementing an energetically aligned marketing strategy that will lead to a six figure business.

The amount of money you make cannot be guaranteed, as this depends on many things including your capability to consistently execute the strategy as well as be open from an energetic capacity.  Visible results during the program like audience growth, or sales will depend on many factors- how long you have been in business, your audience size, etc. Some Marketing by Design clients have had a 500% increase in their income during the program, and others take more time to implement and see results later on. From a marketing perspective, I recommend consistently executing a strategy for 60-90 days before doing an in-depth performance analysis.